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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony Santa Monica designer threatens future ad revenue and review copies of games in retaliation of low The Order scores

Users here seem quite naive..

Say on especialized media that gets ad revenue and free stuff from products they trash... A magazine can make an article comparing Toyota car vs GM and be sincere about points each are better, but you won't see any article openly trashing a car or any aspect of it even if they are making an article about costumer complaining about it. Same for Canon vs Nikon or Sony or etc.

Whenever you want to do real journalism, investigate and trash something you do that with your own money not by the money of the company you are trashing... are you guys for real?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

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DonFerrari said:
Users here seem quite naive..

Say on especialized media that gets ad revenue and free stuff from products they trash... A magazine can make an article comparing Toyota car vs GM and be sincere about points each are better, but you won't see any article openly trashing a car or any aspect of it even if they are making an article about costumer complaining about it. Same for Canon vs Nikon or Sony or etc.

Whenever you want to do real journalism, investigate and trash something you do that with your own money not by the money of the company you are trashing... are you guys for real?

american cars get trashed in europe all the time.  and cheap noname products win tests against the expensive brand ones that pay for ads

generic-user-1 said:
DonFerrari said:
Users here seem quite naive..

Say on especialized media that gets ad revenue and free stuff from products they trash... A magazine can make an article comparing Toyota car vs GM and be sincere about points each are better, but you won't see any article openly trashing a car or any aspect of it even if they are making an article about costumer complaining about it. Same for Canon vs Nikon or Sony or etc.

Whenever you want to do real journalism, investigate and trash something you do that with your own money not by the money of the company you are trashing... are you guys for real?

american cars get trashed in europe all the time.  and cheap noname products win tests against the expensive brand ones that pay for ads

American cars are trashed or not as highly acclaimed? Have that company paid for ad on that magazine? I said in comparisons they can give better scores for some car against other even if the first is from advertised but they won't Just trash it.


Top Gear in Britain have no ad So they bad mouth even ferrari mistakes and got sued by tesla. In USA they just talk good as far as I know. In most mags and TV channels they just praise the cars there. To the point that several bad cars get "car of the year" award and even Cherry and JAC cars get 4-5 star reviews even getting 0 star in safety tests.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
generic-user-1 said:
DonFerrari said:
Users here seem quite naive..

Say on especialized media that gets ad revenue and free stuff from products they trash... A magazine can make an article comparing Toyota car vs GM and be sincere about points each are better, but you won't see any article openly trashing a car or any aspect of it even if they are making an article about costumer complaining about it. Same for Canon vs Nikon or Sony or etc.

Whenever you want to do real journalism, investigate and trash something you do that with your own money not by the money of the company you are trashing... are you guys for real?

american cars get trashed in europe all the time.  and cheap noname products win tests against the expensive brand ones that pay for ads

American cars are trashed or not as highly acclaimed? Have that company paid for ad on that magazine? I said in comparisons they can give better scores for some car against other even if the first is from advertised but they won't Just trash it.


Top Gear in Britain have no ad So they bad mouth even ferrari mistakes and got sued by tesla. In USA they just talk good as far as I know. In most mags and TV channels they just praise the cars there. To the point that several bad cars get "car of the year" award and even Cherry and JAC cars get 4-5 star reviews even getting 0 star in safety tests.

american cars are basicly just jokes in europe, ford is the only that gets a pass but well its uk ford over here.

and they do buy ads, a lot of em.


top gear is bbc, they dont care about anything.

kitler53 said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
Basically they say

''Give us a good review or else''

pathetic lol

not even close.

"#the order 1886 isn't the best game i've ever played, but it is well made.  it is NOT a 6/10.  I'm curious why we even bother sending review copies"

"the games press is so hateful of games anymore.  i just don't think we should buy ads or send them games"



and i agree.  this thread is the proof in the pudding.  whether it be the orders length or evolves dlc or assassin's creed rare glitch or TLoUs cross gen status or destiny's expectations of what their budget would bring gamers have turned into toxic, hate-spewing assholes that would rather persecute developers than play games.  leading that charge is a click baiting professionaless games press. 

i agree with dean,. if i had a game in development i'd say "fuck off" to the games press. i'd send my review copies to the let's players.

Or, you could just, I don't know... release a better game. That would work too.

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This whole shit is stupid because i'm sure none of this will affect The Order's sales.

generic-user-1 said:
DonFerrari said:
generic-user-1 said:
DonFerrari said:
Users here seem quite naive..

Say on especialized media that gets ad revenue and free stuff from products they trash... A magazine can make an article comparing Toyota car vs GM and be sincere about points each are better, but you won't see any article openly trashing a car or any aspect of it even if they are making an article about costumer complaining about it. Same for Canon vs Nikon or Sony or etc.

Whenever you want to do real journalism, investigate and trash something you do that with your own money not by the money of the company you are trashing... are you guys for real?

american cars get trashed in europe all the time.  and cheap noname products win tests against the expensive brand ones that pay for ads

American cars are trashed or not as highly acclaimed? Have that company paid for ad on that magazine? I said in comparisons they can give better scores for some car against other even if the first is from advertised but they won't Just trash it.


Top Gear in Britain have no ad So they bad mouth even ferrari mistakes and got sued by tesla. In USA they just talk good as far as I know. In most mags and TV channels they just praise the cars there. To the point that several bad cars get "car of the year" award and even Cherry and JAC cars get 4-5 star reviews even getting 0 star in safety tests.

american cars are basicly just jokes in europe, ford is the only that gets a pass but well its uk ford over here.

and they do buy ads, a lot of em.


top gear is bbc, they dont care about anything.

Please send a scan of a magazine lambasting a car in the same level we are seeing with the order and an ad of that company in the same mag please.


And yes, top gear do what they want, and that is why they have freedom to badmouth and even so they don't trash any company. Very level headed complaints.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

mornelithe said:
generic-user-1 said:

and beeing retarded---

Frankly, I don't see a problem with not allowing for advertising, or free anything, if you feel you're not being given a fair shake.  Now, we can all agree or disagree on the finer points of The Order, but it's his opinion regarding it.  And, if I were to assume the role of a dev who'd worked on a title, and had the perception that said title was receiving undue levels of hatred and vitriol, that's not been seen applied to many other titles, and nowhere near that level of aggression, yeah, I'd be curious why we're doing anything to assist those reviewers in the first place.  It's a perfectly legitimate question to ask, imo.

But who wins anything out of hating the order? it makes no sense.

the thing is reviewers sometime are not messuring quality really, they measure how much something is liked/likable, the problem iwith the order is that it has produced dislike for being a episodic game selling its first episode for US$60, the developer is talking about variation in the industry but still wants to charge $60 for barely any content. From my point of view it seems like most people that play it feel ripped off.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

generic-user-1 said:
mornelithe said:

Frankly, I don't see a problem with not allowing for advertising, or free anything, if you feel you're not being given a fair shake.  Now, we can all agree or disagree on the finer points of The Order, but it's his opinion regarding it.  And, if I were to assume the role of a dev who'd worked on a title, and had the perception that said title was receiving undue levels of hatred and vitriol, that's not been seen applied to many other titles, and nowhere near that level of aggression, yeah, I'd be curious why we're doing anything to assist those reviewers in the first place.  It's a perfectly legitimate question to ask, imo.

im for no gaming adds on gamemedia sites, but that that doesnt change that gawkr is a company run by retarded monkeys.

and crying over bad reviews is just stupid. make it like uwe boll, fight em like a man.

(disclaimer, the order isnt as badly written or funny as a boll movie)

But why are reviews bad for games and not for movies? I say is becuase of the financial risk, and that is why there is so much whining on the developers/publishers, well why cant we, consumer be protected from OUR financial risk? I dont want to wasted US$60 on a bad game when there are better options out there. Reviews are always a suggestion and consumers used to protect their investment, anyone complaining agaisnts reviews is complaining because he/she is being financially affected.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

radha said:
mornelithe said:

Frankly, I don't see a problem with not allowing for advertising, or free anything, if you feel you're not being given a fair shake.  Now, we can all agree or disagree on the finer points of The Order, but it's his opinion regarding it.  And, if I were to assume the role of a dev who'd worked on a title, and had the perception that said title was receiving undue levels of hatred and vitriol, that's not been seen applied to many other titles, and nowhere near that level of aggression, yeah, I'd be curious why we're doing anything to assist those reviewers in the first place.  It's a perfectly legitimate question to ask, imo.

But who wins anything out of hating the order? it makes no sense.

the thing is reviewers sometime are not messuring quality really, they measure how much something is liked/likable, the problem iwith the order is that it has produced dislike for being a episodic game selling its first episode for US$60, the developer is talking about variation in the industry but still wants to charge $60 for barely any content. From my point of view it seems like most people that play it feel ripped off.

Well, clearly reviewers win, because click-bait articles create far far more traffic than simple news.  That's just reality, unfortunately.  Look at AV Club's review of Uncharted 3, gave it a 50, had thousands upon thousands of site visits, just because of that.  They were pretty much an unknown before that.