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Forums - Sony Discussion - BraLoD catching up with the classics: Final Fantasy 8

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BraLoD said:
CladInShadows said:
The game was definitely disappointing when I played it. I ended up getting the PC version when it was released in early 2000. And to this day, it's my second least liked game in the main series, once FF13 stole the top honours. Seems like Square wanted so desperately to try and top FF7 that they tried to make it as different as possible, with limited success in my opinion. And they drifted too far into sci-fi, in my opinion, though I am not bothered by that aspect of it these days. I thought the series was a lost cause after playing it, but I'm glad they got their shit together for FF9 and FF12. And following the trend of one good game, one bad game pattern they have been having for quite a while now, I have high hopes for FF15.

15 will be like 12, so if you like 12 you'll probably like 15 as well.

That's what I'm hoping for, actually. And I know I just shat on FF8 for trying way too hard to be different, but while FF12 was the most different game in the series, everything just felt right. I hope that carries over to 15.

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Its only purpose was to make people think ps2 could actually render in real time what was cg on psx.

BraLoD said:

I'm certainly not all familiar with the system yet, but until now things are being easy because of the GFs.

It's generally easier than most FF games. :P

Hmm, pie.

One of my all time favourite FF/RPG. Please finish it at least lol

Its a good game and it's main advantage over FFVII is the graphics, they are REALLY better. As for story, battle system, music, etc, it is very inferior, one of the worst in FF history. Don't understand people that say it is better than VII and IX.

Good to know you are going for the classics, they are so much better than new FF games

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All the love for FF IX in this thread surprises me greatly.
Up till now my impression is that most ppl tend to more or less dismiss IX.
...and all the love for IX is nice to see since it's one of my personal favourites in the FF series.

As for VIII it will be interesting to read about the rest of the BraLoD journey.

BraLoD said:

Well, I didn't died once in FF7, so...

What did you die to? On my first playthrough all those years ago, I died like 10 times on DemonWall alone (way under level and only one game save, before I knew any better). Had to really think strategy to get out of that one.

Hmm, pie.

BraLoD said:
V-r0cK said:
One of my all time favourite FF/RPG. Please finish it at least lol

I don't know why some people think I'll not finish it, I'll xD

No idea but just making sure =P

I love Triple Triad btw, I found it to be highly addictive.

Loved the game and had a great time with it but really disliked that you could miss so many GF's.....with no internet those days I had draw from all bosses...:s

holmen said:
All the love for FF IX in this thread surprises me greatly.
Up till now my impression is that most ppl tend to more or less dismiss IX.
...and all the love for IX is nice to see since it's one of my personal favourites in the FF series.

As for VIII it will be interesting to read about the rest of the BraLoD journey.

What? IX did a lot of things right, wonderful world with lovable characters, breath taking fmvs...

Not that western art style that I am not able to like in any way.