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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony's Woes Show Just How Bad Nintendo's Are

sundin13 said:
Aeolus451 said:

I think that it is highly inaccurate because of parents having to go on there to buy things on eshop for their kids when their kids shouldn't be on eshop for the most part. What parent would just let their kid buy stuff online with their credit card? A lot of 25 year olds and up would buying the console for their kid and buying stuff on eshop for their kid.

It's eshop. It only tracks who buy stuff on it.

The data is likely from NNID creation not Credit Card information. Its only logical to assume that the NNID would be created for the primary user of the console, especially for parents who want to implement parental controls. There is no reason to assume any meaningful skew would be present due to non-primary users creating the primary account.

I already argued about all of this with Prof....I don't see the point in doing it again.

I'm just saying that it's inaccurate or has a very high chance of being inaccurate. That's enough to discredit it as a reliable source of wii u demographics. 

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Sundin there is also a percentage of people who would lie their age even on nnid as silly as it may be.

But I believe the numbers are right considering it is still the first half of the gen, the console is a little expensive for gift and small total numbers. Most of the Sales were for Nintendo faithfull from 25-35 group.

On Wii the distribution would be quite different, and I think the 3DS have a bigger audience on newer folks while WiiU on the older guys mainly because Mario is older than Pokémon, the HW is cheaper and younger guys probably have more time as passengers or playing outside and Friends while older folks would play on commute (prejudice being an inhibitor) but at home preffer console.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

gooch_destroyer said:
Ka-pi96 said:

I can't remember Sony releasing a single flop. So basically he's lying? Glad I never watched it then.

Like review scores.

Review scores for niche titles are far from representative of a flop. They either have shit scores (AA JRPGs) but sell the same or have great scores (TellTales, SMT, ...) and sell the same.

MDMAlliance said:
MikeRox said:

If they can't sell their new consoles, they can't sell their new games.

Not 100% true.  Even though the Wii U hasn't sold very many units, the attach rate for Nintendo's bigger titles are very high.  If the Wii U had sold a lot more units, I doubt that the attach rate of those titles would be the same.

Of course they most likely wouldn't, you've got a similar situation to the Vita where the attach rate is also incredibly high. However, more users would certainly do nothing to damange their chances of higher software sales.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

MikeRox said:
MDMAlliance said:

Not 100% true.  Even though the Wii U hasn't sold very many units, the attach rate for Nintendo's bigger titles are very high.  If the Wii U had sold a lot more units, I doubt that the attach rate of those titles would be the same.

Of course they most likely wouldn't, you've got a similar situation to the Vita where the attach rate is also incredibly high. However, more users would certainly do nothing to damange their chances of higher software sales.

I was just saying that consoles do not need to have sold really well for the games to sell.  Some games benefit more from larger user bases than others, though.  A large user base is ideal, I know, since it can't be a negative thing for software sales.  

Anyway, my point wasn't to say that user base doesn't matter.  It was that it isn't everything for sales.  Some games can sell regardless of how many consoles were sold.

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MDMAlliance said:

I was just saying that consoles do not need to have sold really well for the games to sell.  Some games benefit more from larger user bases than others, though.  A large user base is ideal, I know, since it can't be a negative thing for software sales.  

Anyway, my point wasn't to say that user base doesn't matter.  It was that it isn't everything for sales.  Some games can sell regardless of how many consoles were sold.

I get what you were saying, but I think you were looking a bit to much into the wording. It was just a general statement that if you're not selling hardware, you're not going to sell your software. That said, I think sometimes games have been on sale at retailers before their format has even launched haven't they? haha.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

Soundwave said:
Marks said:

Like what?

Not asking to be a dick, actually curious since I don't pay much attention to the Wii U. My gf has one so wouldn't hurt to know. 

Not that I doubt it would matter to you but 

Super Mario 3D World

Mario Kart 8

Zombi U

Super Smash Bros. U

Bayonetta 1 + 2

Pikmin 3

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Wonderful 101

Rayman Legends

Zelda: Wind Waker HD

Hyrule Warriors

Captain Toad



Are pretty good games. 

That said it's not bringing Nintendo much commercial success. 

Based on the genres you said you like, @Marks, the bolded are good games. I've beaten Hyrule Warriors. Its good, but not great. I've only played the Zombi U demo. Can't really say much about it. All the rest of the bolded are really good. You said you liked FPS. Do games like Bioshock and Half Life count (first person adventure games)? If so, Metroid Prime Trilogy is available on the Wii U for $20. You also said you liked platformers. Donkey Kong is arguably the best non-indie 2d platformer you can get anywhere right now, and Mario Galaxy 2, arguably the best platformer of all time, can be gotten for $20" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

3DS: tolu619

Wii U: FoyehBoys

Vita, PS3 and PS4: FoyehBoys

XBoxOne: Tolu619

Switch: Tolu619

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Aeolus451 said:
tolu619 said:

This (the underlined) is a very good point. Basically, the same reason I buy Nintendo consoles first, then get other consoles later is the same reason other people get other consoles first, then get (or not get) Nintendo consoles later.

So you buy nintendo's consoles because it doesn't or will not have the games you want? I have to ask to clarify it so i can make sure I understood you right.

I buy Nintendo consoles first because they have the games I want the most. Then I buy the other consoles because I want some of those games too. The only exception was when I bought a PSP before buying a DS. I ended up enjoying the DS more. Others buy other consoles first because even if they do want a couple Nintendo games, they want the games that are available on the other consoles more." type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

3DS: tolu619

Wii U: FoyehBoys

Vita, PS3 and PS4: FoyehBoys

XBoxOne: Tolu619

Switch: Tolu619

Kugali - We publish comics from all across Africa and the diaspora, and we also push the boundaries of Augmented Reality storytelling. Check us out!

My thread for teaching VGC some Nigerian slangs