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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony's Woes Show Just How Bad Nintendo's Are

oniyide said:
sundin13 said:

Nintendo's Wii U demographics as of last September

if this is accurate this answers some questions but bring up a bunch more, why is the female ratio so bad?

Because mario isn't as hot as nathan drake or master chief.

Source: myself

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oniyide said:
theprof00 said:
oniyide said:
sundin13 said:

Nintendo's Wii U demographics as of last September

if this is accurate this answers some questions but bring up a bunch more, why is the female ratio so bad?

In my opinion, and I know people here think I'm talking nonsense, that is the average age and gender of the head of the houshold, ie; the purchasers account.

i would be willing to agree with that if the age of the average buyer wasnt so young. A person in that age range most likely would just be starting to have a family so they might be to busy to dedicate themselves to buy a console or the kids they would have are probably to young to even grasp the controller anyway. I think these numbers are accurate and represent the people actually playing

You think 60% of the people who play wiiU are 25-99?

See, I just don't think that's accurate. That's even older than the ps or xb owners.

Also, the median age of a first time mother is 24. So, half the population is younger, half older. It's reasonable to say your average thirty year old+ has a kid of about 5-10

sundin13 said:
theprof00 said:

I think pokemon just keeps selling because it hasn't changed.

Okay, I understand your point even if I somewhat disagree with it.

First of all, 2D Mario Games are much more accessible than 3D Mario Games, even if we as gamers see them as both being simple. People who don't traditionally play games can jump into 2D mario and play it with some level of competence, and jumping in isn't as simple with 3D Mario Games. You also have the fact that NSMB came out after what, 14 years of no 2D mario games? Everybody who wanted that sort of experience got it with these games, which also happened to fall on tremendously popular consoles inviting in a huge audience of non-fans.

3D Mario games have been releasing in a fairly steady stream and they aren't as accessible and they aren't as low supply as 2D mario games. Now with the 3DS and the Wii U, after 2D Mario games have increased in supply, the demand has largely normalized to the point where sales are quite close between the 3D and the 2D Mario games. 

Then you have franchises like Kirby, Metroid, Zelda, Pokemon etc which have all shown fairly consistent sales numbers across the board with games like Metroid, Zelda and Kirby having fairly radical changes while maintaining the user base...I don't think you have enough evidence to support your point here

theprof00 said:

In my opinion, and I know people here think I'm talking nonsense, that is the average age and gender of the head of the houshold, ie; the purchasers account.

The more I think about it, the less that makes sense. You are required to give your gender etc when signing up for a NNID which is required to use the eShop. You are not required to input any Credit Card data. Why would they use the data that is less complete and is more difficult to obtain when they have full demographics in front of them?

I'll address the first point later, but I have to go out now.

As for the second, why would I put my cc data on an account my kid would be using?

Also, that presentation was meant to get Unity developers onto the WiiU system.

theprof00 said:

You think 60% of the people who play wiiU are 25-99?

See, I just don't think that's accurate. That's even older than the ps or xb owners.

Also, the median age of a first time mother is 24. So, half the population is younger, half older. It's reasonable to say your average thirty year old+ has a kid of about 5-10

Hit up youtube and check out the people running nintendo specific gaming channels, report back with the average age of said user.

soo.. what about Dragon Age Inquisition, Shadow of mordor, GTAV, etc etc? ah sry, i forgot those games are not a reason to buyg a console

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theprof00 said:

As for the second, why would I put my cc data on an account my kid would be using?

I think you misunderstood me...if anything that supports my point. All I was saying is why would my demographic data use CC information when it has NNID demographic infomation that is easier to obtain, more complete and more accurate?

Faust said:
soo.. what about Dragon Age Inquisition, Shadow of mordor, GTAV, etc etc? ah sry, i forgot those games are not a reason to buyg a console

Great PS3 games ;)

Nintendo handhelds are blockbusters but if we're talking home consoles only the Wii has outsold a PS home console,the others don't even come close

don't see what is so unusual here,anyone thinking the Wii casuals were moving on to the WIiU were in dreamland

Every story has to be about something i suppose

Tachikoma said:
theprof00 said:

You think 60% of the people who play wiiU are 25-99?

See, I just don't think that's accurate. That's even older than the ps or xb owners.

Also, the median age of a first time mother is 24. So, half the population is younger, half older. It's reasonable to say your average thirty year old+ has a kid of about 5-10

Hit up youtube and check out the people running nintendo specific gaming channels, report back with the average age of said user.

That's called selective data.

If I wanted to find the average age of people who liked looking at naked ladies would I go to a strip club and poll the people there?

sundin13 said:
theprof00 said:

As for the second, why would I put my cc data on an account my kid would be using?

I think you misunderstood me...if anything that supports my point. All I was saying is why would my demographic data use CC information when it has NNID demographic infomation that is easier to obtain, more complete and more accurate?

GTAV, etc etc? ah sry, i forgot those games are not a reason to buyg a console

Why would you assume that the main person using the console would be inputting the NNID?

Also, it has to be NNID, because there's no other way to get gender.

My objection would be assuming that people filling out the NNID are the users.

theprof00 said:
oniyide said:
theprof00 said:
I feel like you're not seeing the same trend I'm seeing here:
Mario originally sells a lot
keeps selling
changes to 3d
slowly goes down a bit but still sells really well
Remakes mario 1, outsells every mario by almost double.

Pokemon originally sells a lot
keeps selling
Doesn't change to 3d
continues selling well

People who originally played pokemon were kids and are now in a higher age range 24+
People who originally played mario were kids and are now 30+
Average age on wii is young teens

Am I just seeing things here?
I don't think so.
I think three generations of 2d mario gamers saw NSMB and went out and bought it.
I think pokemon just keeps selling because it hasn't changed.

im curious to know what you are trying to say here. because Zelda went 3d and those games generally do better than the 2d ones

I think actually that zelda is somewhat growing in popularity actually. I'm not saying that 2d is better than 3d. I don't care to be so specific about the reasons why someone prefers a type of game over another to such an extent.

I'm saying that people went out and made NSMB such a gangbuster because the people who grew up with the exact type and style of game went out and bought it, or bought it for their kids to kind of "share" their first game, etc.

I think the main zelda fanbase right now grew up on ocarina type games, and that base is increasing, and kind of revealing when you compare a similar remake- ocarina for 3ds and compare it to say the "link to the past" remake.

ie; I think the majority of the mario fanbase exists since mario 1.
I think the majority of the zelda fanbase exists since ocarina.

as much as i wish that to be true I see no evidence for that. The series has stayed pretty much the same sales wise since OOT, hell it even dropped a bit