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theprof00 said:
oniyide said:
theprof00 said:
I feel like you're not seeing the same trend I'm seeing here:
Mario originally sells a lot
keeps selling
changes to 3d
slowly goes down a bit but still sells really well
Remakes mario 1, outsells every mario by almost double.

Pokemon originally sells a lot
keeps selling
Doesn't change to 3d
continues selling well

People who originally played pokemon were kids and are now in a higher age range 24+
People who originally played mario were kids and are now 30+
Average age on wii is young teens

Am I just seeing things here?
I don't think so.
I think three generations of 2d mario gamers saw NSMB and went out and bought it.
I think pokemon just keeps selling because it hasn't changed.

im curious to know what you are trying to say here. because Zelda went 3d and those games generally do better than the 2d ones

I think actually that zelda is somewhat growing in popularity actually. I'm not saying that 2d is better than 3d. I don't care to be so specific about the reasons why someone prefers a type of game over another to such an extent.

I'm saying that people went out and made NSMB such a gangbuster because the people who grew up with the exact type and style of game went out and bought it, or bought it for their kids to kind of "share" their first game, etc.

I think the main zelda fanbase right now grew up on ocarina type games, and that base is increasing, and kind of revealing when you compare a similar remake- ocarina for 3ds and compare it to say the "link to the past" remake.

ie; I think the majority of the mario fanbase exists since mario 1.
I think the majority of the zelda fanbase exists since ocarina.

as much as i wish that to be true I see no evidence for that. The series has stayed pretty much the same sales wise since OOT, hell it even dropped a bit