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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony's Woes Show Just How Bad Nintendo's Are

Because Meta score is a bad source to determine how good and bad the games is? If Nintendo is not relying to much on Meta score, it would have a different scenario at least slightly better.

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theprof00 said:
sundin13 said:
theprof00 said:

uncharted 3 is at 6.6.


You guys are missing the point. It's zelda vs UNCHARTED. How is Sony even competing?

Uncharted is easily one of the biggest new IPs over the last decade...why is it surprising?

You mean why is it surprising that a new IP from 2007 nearly managed to outsell every single title in a franchise that's almost synonymous with nintendo?

Halo outsells most mario games.
Call of duty outsells ALL mario games.

Oh, it's just a big new IP, not surprising at all.


I think the fact that nintendo games don't drop in price can hurt the overall sales number. When you have a lot of uncharted and halo sales occuring as the price continues you to dip the sales figures get epanded but profit does not.

I3LuEI3omI3eR said:
Lawlight said:
I3LuEI3omI3eR said:
It's so funny how people say this. Sure the PS4 is winning on the console side. But I love how nobody likes to talk about on the Handheld side. PS4 is doubling Wii U's sales but the 3DS is quintupling the Vita's. Consoles are only one side of the battle...

Handhelds have always been irrelevant in the console wars. Not to mention that both handhelds are getting beat by mobiles and are fading into oblivion.

Of course it's irrelevant, because they are not consoles? But I fail to see how something that brings Profit to a company is irrelevant. And just just because the 3DS is beating the Vita in a "fading market" doesn't change the fact that... it's still beating it by 5 times the number???

Doesn't matter anyway, all consoles in this gen are a disappointment. There's are reason why many users here said the PS3 is better than the PS4 (and on the flipside, selling more than the Wii U ATM)...

Good on the 3DS for winning the second division but, let's be honest, we only care about the premier league.

Just like people are saying the PS3 is better than the PS4, there are people saying that the PS4 is better than the PS3.

Lawlight said:
I3LuEI3omI3eR said:
It's so funny how people say this. Sure the PS4 is winning on the console side. But I love how nobody likes to talk about on the Handheld side. PS4 is doubling Wii U's sales but the 3DS is quintupling the Vita's. Consoles are only one side of the battle...

Handhelds have always been irrelevant in the console wars. Not to mention that both handhelds are getting beat by mobiles and are fading into oblivion.

3DS is over 50mil, dunno how thats into oblivion. Vita is over 10mil. 10mil+ =/= dead. 

Lawlight said:
I3LuEI3omI3eR said:
Lawlight said:
I3LuEI3omI3eR said:

Good on the 3DS for winning the second division but, let's be honest, we only care about the premier league.

Dunno how this makes sense. Do we "only" care about the premier league? Your acting as if Handhelds are the minor league of video games.

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binary solo said:

When it's true it's true. Doesn't matter what year it is.

Yet Sony is releasing/released Uncharted 4, Bloodborne (if that is a new ip than so is xbx), Gran Turismo 6, a new GoW, LBP3, a sequel to TLOU is heavily rumoured, MLB: 2014/2015, Infamous: Second Son, Killzone: Shadow Fall, TLOU: Remastered, Ratchet & Clank, Tearaway Unfolded


tbone51 said:
Lawlight said:

Good on the 3DS for winning the second division but, let's be honest, we only care about the premier league.

Dunno how this makes sense. Do we "only" care about the premier league? Your acting as if Handhelds are the minor league of video games.

GBA made Nintendo more profit than Sony's PS2, DS made a shit ton more money than PS3 and the Gameboy made more money than the PS1.

Seems like console gaming was second division up until now lol.

I still think that Nintendo messed up big time on the name.
Wii U, tbh, just sounds like an extension or new model of the Wii.
Should have called it Wii 2 or given it a new name.

roborad said:
I still think that Nintendo messed up big time on the name.
Wii U, tbh, just sounds like an extension or new model of the Wii.
Should have called it Wii 2 or given it a new name.

Yeah, I think they should drop the Wii and DS brand after this.

Nintendo has been in decline since the NES minus the Wii that was a massive casual console. How about that instead of putting Sony always in bad light and as the culprit of everything bad that happens to Nintendo?

...Let the Sony Domination continue with the PS4...