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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Order 1886 Review Thread - Meta: 66

shikamaru317 said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:

here :P

Also brilliantly done and hilarious xD

A little sad also though, to see just how bad a shape the gaming industry is in. This month on the AAA front we've had a game that released with barely any content because they decided to sell it as DLC (Evolve) and a short game that was filled with cinematics and QTE's (The Order). And to think that Witcher 3 was originally supposed to release this month before it was delayed, a game with over 100 hours of content (200 hours rumored), that includes the soundtrack and 16 free DLC's with the standard edition of the game. It's a shame that more devs and publishers don't follow CD Projekt's example.

So true! Sadly a great slice of the gaming community acts (with their wallet) against their best interest!

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Ruler said:
sales2099 said:
Being real here: Given PS4's defining AAA titles (no ports) so far (Killzone SF, Infamous, Drive Club, LBP 3, and now The Order), I simply don't see PS4's hardware sales as being truly justified. Is it merely riding off the positive brand image of PS3 in the last few years because it certainly isn't selling for the system-defining exclusives imo.

To sound fair and not trolling, this is like 360 hardware sales from the dreaded period of 2011-2013, when 1st party exclusives all but dried up, save for Forza/Gears/Halo, yet 360 still sold at a very decent pace.

PS4 exclusives look better than anything Xbox 1 and PC have in this generation its a fact, i think its very justified since thats why people buy new consoles to get the graphics-update

This post is pretty sad. He addresses the quality of the games and your response is graphics? I hope this is a joke.

Ruler said:
sales2099 said:
Being real here: Given PS4's defining AAA titles (no ports) so far (Killzone SF, Infamous, Drive Club, LBP 3, and now The Order), I simply don't see PS4's hardware sales as being truly justified. Is it merely riding off the positive brand image of PS3 in the last few years because it certainly isn't selling for the system-defining exclusives imo.

To sound fair and not trolling, this is like 360 hardware sales from the dreaded period of 2011-2013, when 1st party exclusives all but dried up, save for Forza/Gears/Halo, yet 360 still sold at a very decent pace.

PS4 exclusives look better than anything Xbox 1 and PC have in this generation its a fact, i think its very justified since thats why people buy n ewconsoles to get the graphics-update

Better then PC? You should reevaluate that sentence. Also, poly-counts for most Xbox 1/PS4 titles are nearly the same, its the framerate/resolution differences that stick out.

But even going by that logic, you are telling me that system-defining games take a back seat and are merely the icing on the cake to a console with better specs? That you are fine with hyping up pretty games with little substance until the REAL quality exclusives come along? K. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


jmorris724 said:
another overhyped steaming turd. this game was too ambitious for anything under 80 to be considered a good score.

I Bender, the God of Gaming, told you so (thunders & lightenings...)!!!

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RolStoppable said:
0815user said:

make it 15 out of 15 then  

Wait, you aren't German or don't speak it for that matter?

I'm not German but i speak german.  

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So this is how the reviews stands after 50 reviews:
The game has
1 90+
12 80+
15 70+
12 60+
6 50+
3 40+
0 30+
1 20+

So 27 of the reviews are 5+ above the current metacritics score. We even have one review that gives the game 20 (I am not even going to get into this one). So with 27 reviews above 70 out of 50, you would expected the metacritics score to be a lot closer to 70, but there is some interesting polarity in the reviews.

kowenicki said:
jlmurph2 said:

This post is pretty sad. He addresses the quality of the games and your response is graphics? I hope this is a joke.

beat me to it.

this gen in a nutshell so far.  its sad.

I fear this entire generation will be remembered for "1080p/60fps", and all that it stands for.

Quality will be buried under all the hate from irrational people if those targets arent met. Gorgeous games that hit those targets but with lesser objective quality will be hated on just a little bit less.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Ruler said:
sales2099 said:
Being real here: Given PS4's defining AAA titles (no ports) so far (Killzone SF, Infamous, Drive Club, LBP 3, and now The Order), I simply don't see PS4's hardware sales as being truly justified. Is it merely riding off the positive brand image of PS3 in the last few years because it certainly isn't selling for the system-defining exclusives imo.

To sound fair and not trolling, this is like 360 hardware sales from the dreaded period of 2011-2013, when 1st party exclusives all but dried up, save for Forza/Gears/Halo, yet 360 still sold at a very decent pace.

PS4 exclusives look better than anything Xbox 1 and PC have in this generation its a fact, i think its very justified since thats why people buy new consoles to get the graphics-update

Stop it five. 

0815user said:
RolStoppable said:

66 is bad because 75 is accepted as average.

average = median = half of maximum = 50 out of 100

75 =/= 50 =/= average 


accepting something as fact does not necessarily make it true  

75 is close to the factual average score of review sites, just click on their metacritic profiles. It seems to be around 73:

IGN: 69, 4 points lower than other critics (73)
Destructoid: 71, 1.9 points lower than other critics (72.9)
Gametrailers: 76, 2.6 points higher than other critics (73,4)
GameSpot: 67, 5.7 points lower than other critics (72.7)

riecsou said:
So this is how the reviews stands after 50 reviews:
The game has
1 90+
12 80+
15 70+
12 60+
6 50+
3 40+
0 30+
1 20+

So 27 of the reviews are 5+ above the current metacritics score. We even have one review that gives the game 20 (I am not even going to get into this one). So with 27 reviews above 70 out of 50, you would expected the metacritics score to be a lot closer to 70, but there is some interesting polarity in the reviews.

IGN and Gamespot have more weight in the process.