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Ruler said:
sales2099 said:
Being real here: Given PS4's defining AAA titles (no ports) so far (Killzone SF, Infamous, Drive Club, LBP 3, and now The Order), I simply don't see PS4's hardware sales as being truly justified. Is it merely riding off the positive brand image of PS3 in the last few years because it certainly isn't selling for the system-defining exclusives imo.

To sound fair and not trolling, this is like 360 hardware sales from the dreaded period of 2011-2013, when 1st party exclusives all but dried up, save for Forza/Gears/Halo, yet 360 still sold at a very decent pace.

PS4 exclusives look better than anything Xbox 1 and PC have in this generation its a fact, i think its very justified since thats why people buy new consoles to get the graphics-update

Stop it five.