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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why do Nintendo game prices never fall?

How many games came out for the wii u the last 3 months? How many for the ps4/one?

When u have than much competition u have 2 Drop the price to be relevant a little bit more. This has nothing to do with quality as some people suggest.

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fps_d0minat0r said:
rolltide101x said:

I get games for next to nothing digitally all the time. I do agree that digital prices should "naturally drop" more without relying on a sale but in general I think PSStore prices are great. Does not seem to be an issue in the U.S.

In the EU we're always bitching about how US get better sales.

Anyway, I was refering to the new games. Really surprised people actually pay the inflated digital launch prices on PSN when they could get a physical copy for less (and probably delivered before launch).

Digital games are the same price as retail here, I generally buy digital so I me and my GF can play a game on both of our Playstations at the same time, also digital makes consoles quieter (I love a quiet console) use less power, and you do not have to worry about your discs. I accidentally gave a game away when I sold my PS3 and forgot to make sure there was no game in it..... lol

Faust said:
How many games came out for the wii u the last 3 months? How many for the ps4/one?

When u have than much competition u have 2 Dropbox the price to be relevant. This has nothing to do with quality

Eh, its not that.... Overpriced.....,28zu0

Faust said:

How many games came out for the wii u the last 3 months? How many for the ps4/one?

When u have than much competition u have 2 Drop the price to be relevant a little bit more. This has nothing to do with quality as some people suggest.

It's not just the Wii U. 3DS, Wii, DS, Gamecube, GBA, N64, GB... Almost all games made by Nintendo on these platforms stayed at the same price for a long time. I bought LOZ: Twilight Princess for €60,- in 2010, for example.

Toxicspikes said:
Faust said:

How many games came out for the wii u the last 3 months? How many for the ps4/one?

When u have than much competition u have 2 Drop the price to be relevant a little bit more. This has nothing to do with quality as some people suggest.

It's not just the Wii U. 3DS, Wii, DS, Gamecube, GBA, N64, GB... Almost all games made by Nintendo on these platforms stayed at the same price for a long time. I bought LOZ: Twilight Princess for €60,- in 2010, for example.

Well, its kinda the same. Just look how even the allmighty handleds struggles to sell 3rd party content. Nintendo's games has little to none competition within any of their consoles. Plus nintendo out of touch with reality of course.

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kupomogli said:
I3LuEI3omI3eR said:

Because they are 100% playable from DAY 1... Not 6 months from now with extensive patching.

Pokemon X and Y had multiple patches after launch, one of which was a bug that deleted save data.


OT.  The difference between Nintendo and the other publishers is not legs, it's greed.  Back on the PSX and PS2, many first and third party games sold incredibly well yet were still offered on the Greatest Hits budget line for $20 - $30.  Microsoft had their Platinum Hits line with the Halo series and other games being sold at budget pricing despite the high sales. 

There are games that just completely bomb that Nintendo drops the price, because why sit on 100,000 copies of a game that just people don't want?  How long was Glory of Heracles being sold $5 new before it actually sold out? 

What Nintendo does with their games that sell a reasonable amount but then stops selling, they don't drop the price and print more to get as many sales as possible.  Nintendo quits printing copies.  They'd rather not make anything at all than sell their games at a lower price.  Basically "Get N or go F yourself."  That's their real slogan.

Not sure what ur talking about, Gamecube had Player's Choice and Wii had Nintendo Selects which cost $19.99

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

teigaga said:

loool at people saying legs and quality.

Yes Mario has ever green legs and Nintendo titles aren't as front loaded as other publishers but generally Nintendo maintain their price regardless of sales. Why is Pikmin, donkey kong, windwaker HD, Wonderful 101 etc more expensive then GTA 5 (360), when the later game continues to outsell them?

Clearly Nintendo think its more beneficial to maintain profit margins versus increasing sales with much lower margins profit margins. The only Nintendo games where price cuts would have very little to no effect is mainline Mario, Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8. It works for them no doubt, but it would nice to be able to find more bargains of 2 year old software without going 2nd hand.

Go to Gamestop.  I'll wait.




Did you see it?  Tons of used copies of games like Call of Duty and GTA.  Virtually no used copies of the big Nintendo franchises.  I got a copy of CoD:AW from a friend and planned to trade it in.  I'm stuck with it because it dropped in value so fast.  The market is flooded for thos game.  Mranwhile, I can trade in a used old Pokemon game for almost full MSRP.  Nintendo doesn't control this.  Demand does.

MDMAlliance said:
Lawlight said:
I think it's a mixture of 2 things. One is that there aren't a lot of other publishers to compete with on the system.

Secondly, Nintendo aren't really very flexible when it comes to price. For example, the WiiU is selling poorly and they still haven't dropped the price.

Your first point makes little sense, since if that were true, other 3rd party games on Nintendo systems should follow suit.  It also doesn't make much sense since it wouldn't matter what other publishers do anyway.  

For the second point, the sales boost they would see from cutting the price would likely not result in increased profits for Nintendo.  While sales numbers may look good to some people, if they aren't making more money that way then why should they do it?  The more likely reason is that people will buy the games anyway, even if they don't drop in price.  If they drop the price, they wont suddenly see a 20-50% increase in weekly sales.  The way they do it now means more profits... at least for the games they DON'T drop.  However, it's been pointed out plenty of times already that Nintendo DOES cut the price of some of their games.

1. Other 3rd party games? Compare how many come out on the WiiU vs the PS4 or X1.

2. If they drop the price, they will see a 20-50% increase in weekly sales - see I can make up stats too. If dropping the price didn't help with profit, why would all other publishers do it? Or is Nintendo the only smart one?

kupomogli said:
I3LuEI3omI3eR said:

Because they are 100% playable from DAY 1... Not 6 months from now with extensive patching.

Pokemon X and Y had multiple patches after launch, one of which was a bug that deleted save data.


OT.  The difference between Nintendo and the other publishers is not legs, it's greed.  Back on the PSX and PS2, many first and third party games sold incredibly well yet were still offered on the Greatest Hits budget line for $20 - $30.  Microsoft had their Platinum Hits line with the Halo series and other games being sold at budget pricing despite the high sales. 

There are games that just completely bomb that Nintendo drops the price, because why sit on 100,000 copies of a game that just people don't want?  How long was Glory of Heracles being sold $5 new before it actually sold out? 

What Nintendo does with their games that sell a reasonable amount but then stops selling, they don't drop the price and print more to get as many sales as possible.  Nintendo quits printing copies.  They'd rather not make anything at all than sell their games at a lower price.  Basically "Get N or go F yourself."  That's their real slogan.

You mentioned one game in the last two years. Last year COD, AC, and Destiny were all released in the LAST 4 months of the year, all not complete. I'll take Ninty's ratio any day of the week, thank you.

So my bad, instead their percentage of their games are 90-95% playable from day one.

zorg1000 said:
kupomogli said:
I3LuEI3omI3eR said:

Because they are 100% playable from DAY 1... Not 6 months from now with extensive patching.

Pokemon X and Y had multiple patches after launch, one of which was a bug that deleted save data.


OT.  The difference between Nintendo and the other publishers is not legs, it's greed.  Back on the PSX and PS2, many first and third party games sold incredibly well yet were still offered on the Greatest Hits budget line for $20 - $30.  Microsoft had their Platinum Hits line with the Halo series and other games being sold at budget pricing despite the high sales. 

There are games that just completely bomb that Nintendo drops the price, because why sit on 100,000 copies of a game that just people don't want?  How long was Glory of Heracles being sold $5 new before it actually sold out? 

What Nintendo does with their games that sell a reasonable amount but then stops selling, they don't drop the price and print more to get as many sales as possible.  Nintendo quits printing copies.  They'd rather not make anything at all than sell their games at a lower price.  Basically "Get N or go F yourself."  That's their real slogan.

Not sure what ur talking about, Gamecube had Player's Choice and Wii had Nintendo Selects which cost $19.99

Yeah and even before the Nintendo Selects, they had the "Player's Choice Million Sellers" list, which almost all their games were $19.99.

I guess the real question is: Why does Nintendo TAKE SO LONG to make their games cheap?