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MDMAlliance said:
Lawlight said:
I think it's a mixture of 2 things. One is that there aren't a lot of other publishers to compete with on the system.

Secondly, Nintendo aren't really very flexible when it comes to price. For example, the WiiU is selling poorly and they still haven't dropped the price.

Your first point makes little sense, since if that were true, other 3rd party games on Nintendo systems should follow suit.  It also doesn't make much sense since it wouldn't matter what other publishers do anyway.  

For the second point, the sales boost they would see from cutting the price would likely not result in increased profits for Nintendo.  While sales numbers may look good to some people, if they aren't making more money that way then why should they do it?  The more likely reason is that people will buy the games anyway, even if they don't drop in price.  If they drop the price, they wont suddenly see a 20-50% increase in weekly sales.  The way they do it now means more profits... at least for the games they DON'T drop.  However, it's been pointed out plenty of times already that Nintendo DOES cut the price of some of their games.

1. Other 3rd party games? Compare how many come out on the WiiU vs the PS4 or X1.

2. If they drop the price, they will see a 20-50% increase in weekly sales - see I can make up stats too. If dropping the price didn't help with profit, why would all other publishers do it? Or is Nintendo the only smart one?