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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Star Fox U motion controls are not required confirmed

I'm glad they are giving us the option to use different control schemes.

I'm very glad they are giving us motion controls and I look forward to playing this through the gamepad.

Feel free to check out my stream on twitch 

Around the Network

I think its great for people will hate/don't want to use gyro control, but lets not forget what we really need, online Starfox. (Or is it just me?)


NNID: b00moscone

Switch ID: SW-5475-6755-1986

3DS friend-Code: 4613-6380-5406

PSN: b00mosconi

Sin & Punishment 2 on Wii is a great template for a modern Starfox game in my opinion.

It's a lot longer than Starfox 64, retains the epic arcade action, and has none of the flaws that bogged down Adventures and Assault. Sell it for a slightly reduced $40 USD like Captain Toad, and voila, you're set.

Confirm wiimote + nunchuck, already!

It's too early to assume relief yet ...