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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Star Fox U motion controls are not required confirmed

Captain_Yuri said:
Thank fucking god!



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Raichu's First Series:

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Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

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Captain_Yuri said:
Thank fucking god!


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shikamaru317 said:
Rumor or not, I seriously doubt they're going to disappoint fans of the series by removing the control scheme they're accustomed to.

Ultrashroomz said:
Assuming this is true, this is great.

I remember playing Star Fox Command once fro the DS, and hated using the stylus for that game, and wondered why I couldn't just use the d-pad.

I'm worried that Nintendo might try to force a gimmick in this game, but thankfully, that doesn't seem to be the case.

IMHO i think they are starting to learn there lessons. They barely use the gamepad in their own games, for anything really out there and maybe thats a good thing

spemanig said:
shikamaru317 said:
Rumor or not, I seriously doubt they're going to disappoint fans of the series by removing the control scheme they're accustomed to.

Broken image, but that is an appropriate rebuttal (looked up the image name).

But then again, Skyward Sword rocked, so it's not a concern.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Around the Network

UUUUUF what a relief

I think that is perfect. I hate motion controls.

Just another reason to release a Wii Slimorsomething without the pad.

I'm now filled with determination.

Ignore this, replied to myself. I fucked up.

I'm now filled with determination.

thatguymarco said:

Just another reason to release a Wii Slimorsomething without the pad.

No motion doesn't mean no pad.