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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Halo MCC, AC Unity or DriveClub. Which was the biggest mess?


Biggest mess?

Halo Master Chief Collection 199 48.30%
Assassin's Creed Unity 134 32.52%
DriveClub 77 18.69%

assasin's creed unity because it's still broken

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Oddly for me AC:U was no where near as buggy as ACIII so seemed okay to me.

Drive Club and Halo suffered from being rushed out 4 months early, debate is if Driveclub's already year long delay make that worse or Halo being a collection of old games makes it worse?

DC SP worked perfectly for me when I started playing it (like 1 month after launch I guess) so even if it is a mess I can't say it was broken.

Halo MCC being broke for 3 months already is quite sad (even if it is still possible to play it).

UC is bad coding all around, messy but playable....

For me Halo was the worst offender, even more considering it is a port collection and big exclusive.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Ubisoft gets a lot of flak for AC: Unity and rightfully so. The game was obviously not completely ready for release. However, it was fixed quite quickly and I had absolutely zero problems completing the game in many hours of the campaign and co-op. Never saw any of the glitches that were reported and the framerate was relatively stable. I bought it day one but waited about a week and half to play while I completed AC: Rogue. It seems a lot of people think this game was either broken for quite some time or is still broken today and that is not the case.

The other two I have not played so I cannot speak to their issues personally. From what is being widely reported Halo MCC is still not fixed so I suppose that would be the choice.

Hopefully we talk less about broken games this year. But with publishers continuing to push developers to make a certain release date it seems that releasing broken games is an issue that will persist for the foreseeable future.

Chazore said:
Munkeh111 said:

The microtransactions are ENTIRELY unnecessary. Only needed if you hate playing the game

The face breaking bug was pre-release code on PC only. The PC version is reportedly worse, but there are so many broken PC games it's less of a story or controversy

Consoles are completely fine, just a big chuggy. That's not broken

Unity's broken-ness has been blown absurdly out of proportion

You confuse me, you're saying there are many broken PC games but Creed is multiplat which means it's Ubisoft and a port problem, you must be talking of PC ports in general being broken but even then that's a big problem with the industry, I dunno how MCC can trump a much bigger issue here, it's not really ok to know that PC keeps getting bad ports down the line when we have people like Ubisoft coding for shit and not doing a good enough job.

I wouldn't say it was blown way out, if you've seen ubi's track record you'd know they aren't stellar and their coding jobs have been thoroughly documented and pointed out before, it's not really ok to let them off the hook time and time again because a few people think it's blown out and willingly ignore facts, evidence and previous track recorded history, I mean you may believe it's absurd but I can't, it's just Ubisoft not doing their job.

This discussion is about console games. The PC industry has significant challenges in terms of poor quality ports and that is a larger discussion than just this. It is also a much harder job to make a PC game without weird things happening. I've read Dragon Age Inquisition has huge issues on PC, yet I've had no issues with it at all, only one bug with a man stuck with his lower body in a hill. It just made me laugh

AC Unity fundamentally works in the vast majority of case. Halo MCC fundamentally doesn't (apparently) and Drive Club didn't (apparently).

All I can say for sure is that AC Unity on PS4 is a very long way from a broken game. 

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Puppyroach said:
Unity or DC most likely. MCC multiplayer was a mess but its singleplayer worked which is the main thing for me.

Driveclubs single player was perfect which was the main thing for me 


beta testing a patch then cancelling it? Yeah, Halo 5 seems doomed.

They were all atrocious. I guess Mummy Creed was the worst.

Add me on Xbox: DWTKarma 

How is Master Chief Collection winning this poll? It might have some multiplayer issues (my biggest issue being the terrible framerate during split-screen play with my friends), but the single player has been smooth since day 1. Assassin's Creed: Unity, on the other hand, is a complete mess. Every month, Ubisoft makes me download some 6 gb patch which fixes absolutely nothing. The game still has terrible load times, it still freezes, and it still has tons of glitches.

Munkeh111 said:

This discussion is about console games. The PC industry has significant challenges in terms of poor quality ports and that is a larger discussion than just this. It is also a much harder job to make a PC game without weird things happening. I've read Dragon Age Inquisition has huge issues on PC, yet I've had no issues with it at all, only one bug with a man stuck with his lower body in a hill. It just made me laugh

AC Unity fundamentally works in the vast majority of case. Halo MCC fundamentally doesn't (apparently) and Drive Club didn't (apparently).

All I can say for sure is that AC Unity on PS4 is a very long way from a broken game. 

Umn actually no it's entirely not, please point out to me where it describes "console games only"within the OP, afaik Unity is a multiplat title, chugging on consoles as well as PC is a problem, not soemthing you should shrug off either, just because you find it minor does not mean we all do, please keep that in mind.

Was Halo MCC all about the multiplayer though, you didn't answer about the whole single player's reason to exist part, if that functions normally then it works, Unity had issues with both singleplayer and co-op across the board, hell you've got DC and the other version they've yet to promise with the updates being held off firsthand and then added later, still no other version promised, if you want to hold MCC you'll have to hold DC and Unity along with it.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"