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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony Q3 FY15 Results - Beats Market Expectations & 6.4 Million Shipped PS4's

Kerotan said:
Congrats to sony and congrats to the playstation ecosystem. Better than expected numbers. Here's to an even better 2015 for ps4. Software sales for ps4/ps3/ps4 combined will be massive.


but yes, the software sales are way more impressive, than the hardware ones... 


ps hardware (units) and software sales (revenue)

fy 2010 20.7m / 164.3m
fy 2011 18.0m / 164.5m 
fy 2012 16.5m / 276m
fy 2013 14.6m / 384m
fy 2014 17.5m / 420m (forecast only. last quarter missing)

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Very impressive PS4 shipments, but already knowing the sold through figure pretty much dilutes the excitement with that.

Get completely out of the handheld business (consoles and phones) and Sony should be ok

after a decade, I got used to the lower numbers, but this is really nice for a change.

CPU: Ryzen 7950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5
peterpan said:
Kerotan said:
Congrats to sony and congrats to the playstation ecosystem. Better than expected numbers. Here's to an even better 2015 for ps4. Software sales for ps4/ps3/ps4 combined will be massive.


but yes, the software sales are way more impressive, than the hardware ones... 


ps hardware (units) and software sales (revenue)

fy 2012 16,5m / 276m
fy 2013 14.6m / 384m
fy 2014 17.5m / 420m (forecast only. last quarter missing)


I meant psv. Not huge for it but it's the icing on an already impressive cake. 

Things are definitly starting to look better. It should only improve from here. This year PS4 will be setting records. PlayStation Vue is going to move consoles at a pace never seen before. That along with the amazing line-up of exclusive games. People will be moving from PS3 to PS4 in droves.

On the Playstation Mobile side I would really like to see Kaz roll that division into SCE. Together they could make an amazing Playstation Phone, and rebrand the Xperia Z phones as part of the Playstation family. With there own OS, and devices with unmatched functionallity, they could not only make trillions of dollars, but also gain a sustainable chunk of the mobile market. This would unify the mobile and home experience on Playstation 4 and Playstation Phone.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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peterpan said:
Roronaa_chan said:

Nah. They will drop to 300 this year and 200 in 2016, as I said in the other topic. It's all about timing, and in the other post I also explained the reasons why it hasn't happened yet.

a pricedrop to 300 can happen this year, but no slim version
a pricedrop to 300 will still not be enough to match wii numbers

50% grow in 2015 (seems impossible to me right now) will result in 23.1m units for the ps4. but the wii would still increase the launch alinged gap by 1.7m

I didn't say it was going to happen these years, I was commenting on what you said about profit over sales unit

KBG29 said:
Things are definitly starting to look better. It should only improve from here. This year PS4 will be setting records. PlayStation Vue is going to move consoles at a pace never seen before. That along with the amazing line-up of exclusive games. People will be moving from PS3 to PS4 in droves.

On the Playstation Mobile side I would really like to see Kaz roll that division into SCE. Together they could make an amazing Playstation Phone, and rebrand the Xperia Z phones as part of the Playstation family. With there own OS, and devices with unmatched functionallity, they could not only make trillions of dollars, but also gain a sustainable chunk of the mobile market. This would unify the mobile and home experience on Playstation 4 and Playstation Phone.

u talk about that tv, tv, tv, tv  stuff? :D

So close to the damn 20m mark! Would have been amazing if it would have achieved that in 2014.

GAF comparision.

3.55 million

3.34 million

Go go Vita.

Pre-market: 25.20 +1.81 (7.74%)