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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Quarter results are here! 7.08M 3DS and 3.03M Wii U shipped! Wii U 9.2M total shipped! 5.7 amiibos shipped!$250 million net income! 3DS projections lowered!

Good operating income, good numbers for Mario Kart and Smash.

Not so good ... hardware sales in general. They won't make their 3DS targets. Wii U targets, yeah, but nothing special in that regard either, I remember when people were saying Nintendo's Wii U forecast was purposely low because they would shatter that number, but it looks like their projection was basically spot on.

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cycycychris said:

That would certainly be awesome. And hopefully a limted edition console.

It seems like this is their next ''big'' franchise they're trying to build.. or so it seems since they're bring it to Apex

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

3DS drop is really worrisome. 12 million forecast, they had to slash that down to 9 million for the year.

Two more years of 3DS with no successor ain't happening, I don't care what people say about the New 3DS, that's just a last-gasp stop gap, nothing more (like DSi XL).

3DS shipment dropped 9% from the same quarter last year. Looks like it peaked in 2013.

Wii U shipments were down very slightly YoY for the holiday quarter too. Kind of a surprise though with MK and Smash and Amiibo, guess Europe and Japan let them down because North America was (slightly) up.

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Nice to see a results sheet in black for a change.

Wii U tracking seems about in line with VGChartz.

And wow at Mario Kart 8; its attach rate it about 50%, that's insane. Smash U is pretty damn high as well, over a third of the console base.

Lawlight said:
3DS shipment dropped 9% from the same quarter last year. Looks like it peaked in 2013.

Ok and your point is? Lets ignore everything else here amIright XD

Seriously though its funny and sad to see post like this :-/

Revised forecast for the Fiscal Year:

3DS HW: 9 million (down from 12 million)
Wii U HW: 3.6 million
3DS SW: 61 million (down from 67 million)
Wii U SW: 25 million (up from 20 million)

Won bet with t3mporary_126 - I correctly predicted that the Wii U's LTD at the end of 2014 would be closer to 9 million than 10 million.

New 3DS really needs to have a good launch for Nintendo in North America and Europe. Or at the very least they need to hope retailers order a crap ton of them even if it means stuffing the retail channel.

tak13 said:
Welfare said:
3DS once again over tracked.

Wii U seems to better tracked compared to last quarter.

We already knew that(from the LTD sales leaks of NPD..:P

It's only overtracked in one place!In the usa,by 200k or 300k...

The 3DS is a lot more than 200-300k overtracked.  VGC shows 50.39m as of Jan 3rd, Nintendo shows 50.41m shipped as of Dec 31st.  VGC shows 18.06m sold in Japan versus 18.70m shipped.  So that is 640k on shelves in Japan (more actually since that includes 4 days of 2015 sell through), yet only 110k (also slightly more due to the date) on shelves worldwide which would mean there is negative supply outside Japan.

The 3DS is probably at least a million overtracked.

The Wii U is also probably overtracked, but much less severely than the 3DS.  130k on shelves in Japan, but only 120k on shelves in the rest of the world.  Again, the dates don't line up great, but it gives us a pretty good idea.