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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Is the Xbox One a failure?


Is XB1 a failure?

Yes! 615 40.51%
No! 711 46.84%
Gimme dem numbers! 68 4.48%
I pity Wii U :( 121 7.97%
IFireflyl said:

I'm not really sure why this topic exists. I'm not trying to be mean, but you already gave the numbers, and the only logical answer is that the Xbox One is not a failure. If it were a failure it wouldn't have moved so many units. That would be like asking if the PS3 was a failure at the end of its first full year of sales. Sony was being destroyed by Microsoft in terms of sales. They ended up catching up, and then surpassing Microsoft. I personally don't see Microsoft surpassing Sony unless they get some major game changers in (e.g. Xbox exclusive titles that people actually want), but Microsoft has too much money, and too much influence to just roll over because Sony is doing better than them at the beginning of the current-gen "console wars". Microsoft knows the gaming market is huge, and they won't back out of it. This discussion is kind of pointless because anyone with half a brain already knows that.

Is that really the only logical answer though? It can't really compete with PS4 and it's probably been costing MS quite a bit, and they had to lose the Kinect. I don't think it's as black and white as you make it out to be

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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DanneSandin said:
IFireflyl said:

I'm not really sure why this topic exists. I'm not trying to be mean, but you already gave the numbers, and the only logical answer is that the Xbox One is not a failure. If it were a failure it wouldn't have moved so many units. That would be like asking if the PS3 was a failure at the end of its first full year of sales. Sony was being destroyed by Microsoft in terms of sales. They ended up catching up, and then surpassing Microsoft. I personally don't see Microsoft surpassing Sony unless they get some major game changers in (e.g. Xbox exclusive titles that people actually want), but Microsoft has too much money, and too much influence to just roll over because Sony is doing better than them at the beginning of the current-gen "console wars". Microsoft knows the gaming market is huge, and they won't back out of it. This discussion is kind of pointless because anyone with half a brain already knows that.

Is that really the only logical answer though? It can't really compete with PS4 and it's probably been costing MS quite a bit, and they had to lose the Kinect. I don't think it's as black and white as you make it out to be

How can't it compete with the PS4? Did you read the first part I said about Microsoft destroying Sony with the last-gen console start, and then Sony making a huge comeback and surpassing Microsoft? Microsoft can compete with Sony. They just need to make some changes (much like Sony had to with the PS3).

Edit: And losing the Kinect means nothing. If the biggest money-maker for Microsoft was the Kinect then that was a huge problem in the first place. The Kinect is a piece of garbage hardware that was implemented as a piss-poor attempt to take over the Wii-U market.


IFireflyl said:
DanneSandin said:
IFireflyl said:

I'm not really sure why this topic exists. I'm not trying to be mean, but you already gave the numbers, and the only logical answer is that the Xbox One is not a failure. If it were a failure it wouldn't have moved so many units. That would be like asking if the PS3 was a failure at the end of its first full year of sales. Sony was being destroyed by Microsoft in terms of sales. They ended up catching up, and then surpassing Microsoft. I personally don't see Microsoft surpassing Sony unless they get some major game changers in (e.g. Xbox exclusive titles that people actually want), but Microsoft has too much money, and too much influence to just roll over because Sony is doing better than them at the beginning of the current-gen "console wars". Microsoft knows the gaming market is huge, and they won't back out of it. This discussion is kind of pointless because anyone with half a brain already knows that.

Is that really the only logical answer though? It can't really compete with PS4 and it's probably been costing MS quite a bit, and they had to lose the Kinect. I don't think it's as black and white as you make it out to be

How can't it compete with the PS4? Did you read the first part I said about Microsoft destroying Sony with the last-gen console start, and then Sony making a huge comeback and surpassing Microsoft? Microsoft can compete with Sony. They just need to make some changes (much like Sony had to with the PS3).

LOL no they cant, Europe is a lost casue as is much of the "others" markets.  Even the most hardcore xbox fans own up to it.

PS4 will destroy the x1 continuing on, nothing MS can do will ever change that.  Even if they went full fanboy retards and lost 10 billion dollars a year they would still fail.  

No it's not. It's tracking ahead of every console besides the Wii, PS2, and PS4. People have to understand the PS4 is the market leader, and is going to have more sales compared to second place.

Won bet with t3mporary_126 - I correctly predicted that the Wii U's LTD at the end of 2014 would be closer to 9 million than 10 million.

Zackasaurus-rex said:
DonFerrari said:
Companies care less about marketshare than About total sales and profit. Of course bigger presence and MS preffers total domination but no need to fret over it.


Console manufacturers make most of their revenue in game, service, and accessory sales. In other words, marketshare is directly tied to overall profitability. 

This is why emboldened companies even choose to be loss leaders and why MS have made such drastic price cuts and bundles in addition to increased advertising.

Nope. MS bleed to have better sales not necessairily marketshare. The end game is profit. If profit was directly link (not just a reflex of total sales and how much you could have sold if you had more participation and competitors less) they would sell the consoles even cheaper.


They will basically run simulations based on price curve, adoption curve, sales made and cost of sales looking for the sweet spot where most profit is expected. It is silly to put marketshare there since you can't control the market or other companies (you can estimate and try better share but not as usefull as profit.


My company is one of the top dogs in its market. Never saw a meeting talking about marketshare, but about market penetration, joint ventures, pursuits, new sales, etc there were a lot. Matter of fact our financial plans includes like improve sales from 8 to 8.5 billions, improve margin from 25 to 27%, several quality metrics and no mention at marketshare 

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Around the Network
ZarskiSold said:
IFireflyl said:
DanneSandin said:
IFireflyl said:

I'm not really sure why this topic exists. I'm not trying to be mean, but you already gave the numbers, and the only logical answer is that the Xbox One is not a failure. If it were a failure it wouldn't have moved so many units. That would be like asking if the PS3 was a failure at the end of its first full year of sales. Sony was being destroyed by Microsoft in terms of sales. They ended up catching up, and then surpassing Microsoft. I personally don't see Microsoft surpassing Sony unless they get some major game changers in (e.g. Xbox exclusive titles that people actually want), but Microsoft has too much money, and too much influence to just roll over because Sony is doing better than them at the beginning of the current-gen "console wars". Microsoft knows the gaming market is huge, and they won't back out of it. This discussion is kind of pointless because anyone with half a brain already knows that.

Is that really the only logical answer though? It can't really compete with PS4 and it's probably been costing MS quite a bit, and they had to lose the Kinect. I don't think it's as black and white as you make it out to be

How can't it compete with the PS4? Did you read the first part I said about Microsoft destroying Sony with the last-gen console start, and then Sony making a huge comeback and surpassing Microsoft? Microsoft can compete with Sony. They just need to make some changes (much like Sony had to with the PS3).

LOL no they cant, Europe is a lost casue as is much of the "others" markets.  Even the most hardcore xbox fans own up to it.

PS4 will destroy the x1 continuing on, nothing MS can do will ever change that.  Even if they went full fanboy retards and lost 10 billion dollars a year they would still fail.  

I hate Microsoft. I loathe the Xbox One. I'm just not stupid enough to say that the entire console is a failure based on one full year of sales, and knowing that they're doing better (sales-wise) than they did with the Xbox 360, and that Microsoft has a crap-ton of money to make the console work.


EDIT: I removed my insult. I get angry when people say things that I feel are less than intelligent. My apologies.


When you look at the Xbox One's history from a corporate/business/stockholder's perspective:

Original Policy: Failed (reversed)
Original Pricing: Failed
Free games bundled at original price: Failed
Kinect-less model achieving price parity: Failed
Maintain or Gain Market Share US/UK: Failed
Gain Market Share outside of US/UK: Failed
Xbox Entertainment: Failed
Maximize Xbox Live profits: Failed (forced to give free games eating into profits to compete)
Ability to keep apps behind paywall to maximize subscribers: Failed (Force to compete)
Hardware designs from a performance perspective: Failed (PS4 is more powerful)
Hardware designs from a financial perspective: Failed (While it was true before the release. The cost of DDR3 has constantly gone up, and is going up to the point where Microsoft is rumored to have some major R&D design changes to DDR4, which is costly)

Based on the above, I have a hard time seeing the Xbox One as a business success.


Welfare said:
No it's not. It's tracking ahead of every console besides the Wii, PS2, and PS4. People have to understand the PS4 is the market leader, and is going to have more sales compared to second place.

And that makes it a failure, i dont get why some are so scared of the word. 

If you are not the best #1 you have failed, its just a fact of the matter.  Evry counter argument is just opinion and felling but a fact is a fact.

30 teams try to win the Cup each year in the NHL, 29 fail to do it.  That makes them failures, that it.

ZarskiSold said:
DM235 said:
I don't consider it a failure. I am fairly certain it is profitable for Microsoft. As people mentioned, there is no RROD fiasco like last generation. And sales are up compared to the 360. They are probably going to sell 60 - 80 million units by the time the generation is done.

From 500 to 350 in a year, cosntant free games to to spur sales.  Decupled a large invenstment like the Kinetc.  

In no chance are they profitable.  And it will never sale 60 million, 80 is just fairy tale thinking.  

The $500 to $350 included a $100 piece of hardware being removed.  Without the GDDR5 RAM, it should be cheaper to make than the PS4.  The average gamer will also buy an XBox Live subscription, another game and maybe another controller, so I don't see them losing money.

If the 360 could sell 80 million with RROD, the XBone can sell 80 million.  The market is bigger now, and the Wii U is giving up marketshare from the Wii (so some portion of those gamers will end up getting an XBone).

ZarskiSold said:
Welfare said:
No it's not. It's tracking ahead of every console besides the Wii, PS2, and PS4. People have to understand the PS4 is the market leader, and is going to have more sales compared to second place.

And that makes it a failure, i dont get why some are so scared of the word. 

If you are not the best #1 you have failed, its just a fact of the matter.  Evry counter argument is just opinion and felling but a fact is a fact.

30 teams try to win the Cup each year in the NHL, 29 fail to do it.  That makes them failures, that it.

This isn't Talladega Nights. The rule isn't, "If you're not first, you're last!" Grow up.