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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2014 - Stage 1 - Round 13

Well time to vote, easy round for me!


"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Around the Network

5p - axumblade (Partner in crime, fellow gaymer who's afraid to Smash with me)
4p - outlawauron (RPG fan, long time user, consistently good)
3p - vivster (Wasn't a fan at first but warmed up to him as I got to know him better)
2p - Slarvax (Great user stuck in a hard round)
1p - anfebious (Another great user in this hard round who I somehow always confuse with AZWification)

Signature goes here!

5p - axumblade
4p - Slarvax
3p - Anfebious
2p - vivster
1p - outlawauron

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

5p- Outlawauron
4p- Axumblade
3p- Anfebious
2p- Slarvax
1p- Vivister

Yet another tough round making it hard to choose.

vivster said:

Fine, thanks. Though it looks like I'm getting a beating from Axum and Slarvax^^

I would vote for Anfebious but I don't want to vote for myself.

I came first woman! Know your place and make me a sandwich!

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Around the Network

5- Anfebious
4- Axumblade
3- outlawaron
2- vivster
1- slarvax

No one. I love you all, equally.

5. Slarvax (the one and only, great gaming pal and overall nice person - will help me with beating jizz)
4. Anfebious (sometimes a huge troll, has an awesome personality though - Slarv and I will still have to beat ya, sorry)
3. vivster (the most unbiased voice on vgchartz - everyone should seek his words of wisdom)
2. outlawauron (a user of whom I've seen a ton of posts - another nice guy)
1. axumblade (I've only stumbled across your posts here and there, still pretty active though - you seem like a comfortable guy to deal with, but someone has to take up the last spot, sorry )

                                                                    Lyrics: He He He He Ha Ha Ha!                                                                  


5p- vivster

4p- Slarvax

3p- Anfebious

2p- Axum

1p- Outlaw

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

New thread is ready:

Signature goes here!