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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bayonetta 2 sold less than 135K in the US

Cobretti2 said:
DerNebel said:
Cobretti2 said:
who agrees if this game sold 500K units in US this thread would only be up to 20 posts?

what happened to all those people who don't own a Wii U wanting the game? Guess they didn't want it bad enough to play it.

"What's with all you people not buying a system to play one game?" Hope you realize how silly that sounds.

Did you see some of the meltdowns they had? some were threatening to kill themselves. If they are devoted so much to a franchise a mear $300 machine to play the game is a better alternative to suicide.

I believe you're taking the meltdowns a little too serious there, how many nutjobs did actually threaten to kill themselves over this? Yeah people bitched, but people bitch about tons of stuff on the internet all the time and people also tend to blow their outrage a little bit out of proportion when they're on the internet. Also the reason for the outrage of most people was that the Wii U was not a system they had any interest in, so them just buying a Wii U for that game now would be doing exactly what they didn't want to.

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naruball said:
Teeqoz said:
generic-user-1 said:
i dont get this npd tracking holy grail thingy, they could be even more of than ioi for some games.
they dont track every sale, they use a lot of math to get from sample numbers to npd numbers.

They get sales data from retailers that in total have 90% marketshare in the US, and use math to extrapolate the last 10. Arguing agaisnt NPD is just silly.

Yup. Also, saying that vgc is likely to be more accurate is also silly. VGC updates the numbers all the time after official reports (NPD, Sony's, MS', Ninty's Capcoms' reports, etc ). If VGC numbers were more accurate, they wouldn't change after npd. The sample that vgc uses is clearly smaller. 

so you know clearly more about the method behind the npd numbers, would be super nice of you to if you could post some sources for that in the thread i just made about tracking.

  i couldnt find a list of all tracked retailers and the numbers for market share.

Goodnightmoon said:
DerNebel said:

Do you know how taste works?

I know that doesn´t work for some people.


What I'm saying is that there are more than enough people that aren't interested in Nintendos game output, so for them there is hardly anything they care for on the Wii U.

reggin_bolas said:
Rogerioandrade said:

I Still have the feeling that most people that complain about it being WiiU exclusive do that just for trolling and wouldn´t buy the game anyway.

No, I would have bought it but I'm not going to cough up 300 bucks for what is essentially a gimmicky tablet. 


Would it be fair to write-off the PS4 as a gimmicky Dualshock 3 with a touch pad?  No.  So don't write-off the Wii U and it's library of games as just a gimmicky tablet.  Don't be stubborn

Roronaa_chan said:
What about it looks random? cream always posts like that. He's a leaker (aka releasing information he shouldn't), the point is to make it look as cryptic as possible while still passing along readable information.

I never understood this part though. Everyone knows he is a leaker and everyone knows he has more accurate information than what he posts. So why try to hide that fact?

I think he's just an attention whore who likes to play games.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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HBninjaX said:
Why should I believe some neoF@G, help me out here

He is the source of most NPD numbers we get. Confirmed too

The One and Only

vivster said:
Roronaa_chan said:
What about it looks random? cream always posts like that. He's a leaker (aka releasing information he shouldn't), the point is to make it look as cryptic as possible while still passing along readable information.

I never understood this part though. Everyone knows he is a leaker and everyone knows he has more accurate information than what he posts. So why try to hide that fact?

I think he's just an attention whore who likes to play games.

I think it's just because the more accurate he is, the more wrath might be brought down upon him by the NPD gods.

Or maybe he enjoys the debates over a few thousand units.

DerNebel said:
The fact that Sonic Boom sold over 50% percent of what Bayonetta 2 sold is an abomination, get your priorities straight Wii U fanbase. Lol

Oh and that Sonic Boom also almost sold as much as Driveclub in the US is also horrible, buy Driveclub US PS4 owners. :p

Well Sonic Boom sold more than both Bayonetta 2 and Driveclub if you combine 3DS and Wii U versions.

episteme said:
Well, that means that Sonic Boom Wii U sold more in December...

November NPD (LTD):
Bayonetta 2: ~95k
Sonic Boom: ~25k

December NPD (LTD)
Bayonetta 2: ~135k
Sonic Boom: ~68k

December alone:
Bayonetta 2: ~40k
Sonic Boom: ~43k

Casuals buying for others

The One and Only

reggin_bolas said:
thegamerpad said:

It doesn't help that Bayonetta 2 scored 10/10 or received the best scores of the year from most publications, but somehow still didn't manage to win Game of the Year.   This is a problem too, even when Nintendo is able to get a AAA Exclusive it is still pushed aside for titles on the Sony or Microsoft consoles even when their reviews/metacritics outscore the Sony/Microsoft titles.   I'm sure plenty of non-Wii U owners, especially those who aren't gamers who go to websites and forums daily, have already forgot about the existence of Bayonetta 2, buried under Dragon Age, Far Cry, and Call of Duty. 

For a game that got 10/10 at a lot of publications, it didn't get that much coverage.

Peole want to play Nintendo games, not buy Nintendo hardware. This will become more clear next gen until Nintendo finally gives up. That's why there's a chilled reception of anything Nintendo. 

Give us your games, but don't force us to buy your hardware. 

There are a lot of people that don't care about the hardware, it boils down to marketing and big name titles.  The hardest of the hardcore gamers that care about hardware play PC games.  Majority of PS4 & XB1 games are available on PC.    I don't think people buy XB1 or PS4 based on the hardware, more because of the less-hardcore playing on consoles and wanting GTA, COD, Madden, FIFA, etc.   I understand devs make these games on XB1/PS4 over the Wii U because of hardware, but your claim is that consumers want hardware.   If hardware was the case then the Vita would outsell the 3DS, the Wii wouldn't have outsold the 360 & PS3 and the PS2 wouldn't have outsold the XBox & GC. 

I have no problem with Nintendo's hardware, I believe their games and hardware go hand in hand most of the time.  Nintendo hasn't made good use of the tablet for Smash Bros, Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong or Mario Kart in the past year (plus Bayonetta) which is probably why the "hardware" isn't being justified that well this go-round for Nintendo.  But usually their games are built around the hardware and what unique features the hardware can bring to their franchises.   Nintendo as a 3rd party would not be the same and people like you continue to say stubborn things about them needing to go 3rd party.  If that's the case, why don't you root for Sony & Microsoft to go third party too, and everyone just make games for PC?