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Forums - Sony Discussion - Scrambles Review: P.T. First game played on ps4! (spoiler free)

theprof00 said:

A friend of mine has been giving it glowing reviews but he also noted that I should probably play Peacewalker first because there are a lot of characters in the upcoming title that are prominent in GZ, so I think I'm gunna buy this, marathon PW, and then begin this.

Your friend is a genius. Yes, play Peace Walker!

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PT is so great that it won't be easy for the full release to live up to the teaser. No joke.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

Troll_Whisperer said:
PT is so great that it won't be easy for the full release to live up to the teaser. No joke.

this is actually true, i had more fear playing this than any other scary game.

P.T. reminded me why i usually avoid games like P.T.

theprof00 said:
badgenome said:
This was also my first game played on the PS4, followed immediately by Ground Zeroes. That Kojima is pretty damned great when he makes games instead of movies.

Now only 6.99 on PSN. I'll pick it up this weekend. Pretty excited.


Must buy at that price. Thanks scrambles.

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Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
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Zekkyou said:
P.T. reminded me why i usually avoid games like P.T.

Why is that lol

theprof00 said:
Zekkyou said:
P.T. reminded me why i usually avoid games like P.T.

Why is that lol

It scared me half to death. I hadn't played a horror game in a few years so thought i'd give P.T. a try and see if I've gotten any better with them. Turns out no :p That shit shaved 3 years of my life span.

Good Review bro! :)

Dr.Vita said:
Good Review bro! :)

hey thanks dood!

I play it at my friend's house and now its on my list of ps4 games that I have to get when they release but first I need my ps4 D: