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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2014 - Stage 1 - Round 2

Here goes nothing

5p - daredevil.shark
4p - Boutros
3p - Zekkyou
2p - Squeezol
1p - toastboy

Around the Network

5- Squeezol
4- Daredevil
3- Zekkyou
2- Boutros
1- Toastboy

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

5p - Toastboy - love u homie
4p - Zekkyou
3p - Daredevil
2p - Boutros
1p - Squeezol

Feel a lot of panda hostility in the room.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
Feel a lot of panda hostility in the room.

Eh, I am sure he would be doing better if he wasn't permabanned.  Perma'd people never do well in this competition.  I don't remember any ever making it past their initial round...

Around the Network

5- Boutros
4- daredevil.shark
3- Squeezol
4- Zekkyou
5- toastboy

5p - Boustros ( thanks for all the Comg updates!)
4p - Squeezol
3p - Zekkyou
2p - toastboy
1p - daredevil.shark

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Yikes.. This is a hard round for me actually!

5p- Squeezol

4p- Toastboy ( my homie)

3p- Boutros

2p- daredevil

1p- Zekkyou

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

5p - Zekkyou
4p - daredevil.shark
3p - Squeezol
2p - Boutros
1p - toastboy

Add me if u want :)

Zekkyou said:

Didn't know i'd even been nominated for this. I feel somewhat flattered.

for what its worth, i think you or augun should win this thing.