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Forums - Gaming Discussion - That console AMD is designing a chip for? It has a 2016 release!


Which console will it be?

Nintendo's QOL 28 12.33%
Nintendo's new home console. 79 34.80%
Nintendo's new handheld. 70 30.84%
New playstation handheld. 12 5.29%
Microsoft handheld. 3 1.32%
A new competitor has joined the fight? 35 15.42%
shikamaru317 said:
generic-user-1 said:
shikamaru317 said:

He actually said they were working on 2 chipsets, one is x86 and one is ARM. Could we be looking at Nintendo Fusion, x86 on the home console and ARM on the handheld, both released in 2016, or announced in 2016 and released in 2017?

that makes no sense at all...   

Why's that? The initial Fusion leak said that the Fusion handheld would run ARM. That leak did however say that the Fusion Terminal (console) would run an IBM PowerPC processor, which doesn't appear to be the case with whatever AMD is currently working on, AMD is making it sound like it's a full AMD chipset, so both the processor and the GPU are AMD, same as PS4 and XB1.

x86 and arm on handheld and homeconsole doesnt make so much sense if they realy planing
 to  release the fusion idea.  both arm or x86 would make more sense-

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It won't be anything Nintendo, New 3DS hasn't even launched in the west and the Wii U would have only been out for 4 years by the end of 2016.

IMO the ARM system is probably Sony's next handheld, Vita would have had 5 years on the market by 2016.
Although introduce can mean that it's when the platform is put into production, so the announcement could come around that time.
Still from a cost POV waiting a bit longer to go into production is the smartest thing for all of these companies as costs would reduce.
No way Nintendo will launch a new home console a full 2 years before the competition are likely to release.

Either it's that or some new player will enter one of these markets, maybe Microsoft are planning a mobile Xbox platform finally and they will announce when that's ready or it could be an Apple, Samsung or even a new Ouya system.

The Nintendo Dreamcast U haha. (in partner with sega.)

It sucks foe Wii U if they launch a new home console in 2017

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


introducing chip =/= releasing console

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shikamaru317 said:
generic-user-1 said:

x86 and arm on handheld and homeconsole doesnt make so much sense if they realy planing
 to  release the fusion idea.  both arm or x86 would make more sense-

I don't think Fusion is going to be quite what some people are speculating it will be. I see alot of speculation that both the console and the handheld will play the exact same games but with better graphics on the console. I'm not sure that will be the case. Certain games will likely release on both the handheld and the console (mainly 1st/2nd party games), and they will probably be cross-buy, but I think they won't be the exact same game, there will be differences between the console and handheld versions because each version will be made specifically for that platform for optimization reasons. You'll likely be able to use your Fusion handheld as a Gamepad-like controller for your Fusion console, and you'll be able to stream your handheld games to your TV through the console.

Many 3rd party games will likely release on just the console since developers won't want the low specs of the handheld holding back next-gen graphics (the chipset rumored to be in the Fusion handheld is a bit less powerful than the 360/PS3). I think Nintendo wants the console to be running a similar but more powerful chipset than PS4 and XB1 so that 3rd party devs will easily be able to port between the 3 systems. Sony and MS will likely stick with AMD chipsets for their 9th gen systems when they release in a few years, so Nintendo's next console will still be easy to port to even if it is less powerful than the PS5 and Xbox 4. Nintendo wants back the 3rd party support they lost with Wii U because they didn't listen to what 3rd party devs wanted (3rd party devs wanted x86 but Nintendo went with PowerPC instead). 

they could go the x86 road with handhelds too, that would make porting much easyer.

If its another console then I'm not interested. The Wii U was a complete disaster and I don't really think Nintendo is willing to take their next console to where the market is heading, which is VR.

A new handheld will be interesting though. I'd like to see what they do with that.

shikamaru317 said:
generic-user-1 said:

they could go the x86 road with handhelds too, that would make porting much easier.

It's possible but the lowest TDP on an AMD x86 chipset as of now is still pretty high, I think that chipset is made for large tablets, could run a bit hot in a handheld and give it a short battery life. AMD could be working to improve TDP on a new chipset though, they might manage to make an x86 chipset with a low enough TDP to be used in a small handheld. 

intel has smartphone x86 chips since 2012, so why shouldnt amd be able to do so 2016?

shikamaru317 said:
generic-user-1 said:

intel has smartphone x86 chips since 2012, so why shouldnt amd be able to do so 2016?

Hopefully. You never know with AMD though, they're not as good at perfromance per watt as Intel and Nvidia are. 

but even with the normal amd malus they should be good enough to beat arm

shikamaru317 said:
generic-user-1 said:

but even with the normal amd malus they should be good enough to beat arm

I just hope that the new handheld falls somewhere between Vita and 360/PS3 in terms of performance, at least.

shouldnt be a problem 2016.   and i googled abit, amd has a new 20nm apu in the making, called nolan, the generation after nolan could be fine for a nintendo handheld in early 2017. high end smartphones can allready beat the ps360