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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sonys american Reign has ended.

Bodhesatva said:
darthdevidem01 said:

I have been saying that since the last page

looks MINe & YOUR comments have been conviniently ignored!

 Seems like it :/

What do you expect from a flamebait topic?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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kingofwale said:
Smidlee said:
If I didn't already have a PS3 I wouldn't buy now that I knew MGS4 with the new controller is coming in the near future.(in fact I wished now I would have waited...nah) I wonder how many gamers who going to get a PS3 will wait out on PS3 now knowing this.

I agree, but also keep in mind that if you pre-order the game, you will be able to play the beta version of MGO in April, I can see a few people jumping in just for that.

Announcing new bundle will always create such problems. Sony knows his perfect.

 Ok, I didn't know this so I guess I have to preorder it soon then.

Everyone likes to ignore how Wii is trouncing everything (except DS of course)


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

kingofwale said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

Your grasping for numbers like they are going to elude you. If you don't think the PS3 is up for the long haul, then admit it.

Touting victory over supply constrained consoles is gonna lead to your inevitable horrible flaming when these little issues are ironed out.

Personally, I would stay the course. The only two sony fanboys worth their f'n salt are Crazzy and DMeisterJ, at least they admit it hurts when they lose a week instead of explaining it away with numbers gone by, and hoping for supply contraints to help their console.

Those two truely believe the PS3 can win, with no gimmicks, in a real, fair competition, eventually. If you wanna support your system, shouldn't you at least pretend that you believe that, instead of instantly creating damage control?

or... here's another theory, That they are the only two who CARE about Sony's sales number enough to 'hurt'?

Frankly, I see most PS3 owners here really could care less if PS3 gets outsold by 10K or so in US. What we care about is constant good games on the console. Sales number is nothing more than a nice bragging rights. There's no sense getting hurt from it.

And honestly, if I were to listen to Microsoft PR all the time, I'd still think RRoD is at about 3%.


That's how I feel. I'd like the PS3 to win the console war because I want it to get the most good games. If it came in dead last by 20000000 units and still had good games, I'd wouldn't like it, but I'd still be cool with it if Sony didn't go and do what M$ did with the first box.

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

This is pointless. Why are we all fighting. For all the time it takes it takes to argue. You all could have beaten a game or two. This console war is tearing us apart. We need to see into the light. We have to get back to why we are here on this planet. To play games, not argue about them. Its time we find our old routes.

Around the Network
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Everyone likes to ignore how Wii is trouncing everything (except DS of course)

 Who is ignore this? Who doesn't know by now that wii is selling as fast as they are coming in? 

overall the wii has been doing 2nd place for a while, even if not by much. i suspect the PS3 outsells the 360. im hoping it does, but nintendo should stay first.


No-one needs to ignore a "habit"...we all know its there & will always be there

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Avinash_Tyagi said:
Everyone likes to ignore how Wii is trouncing everything (except DS of course)

 Well that comment was unneccessary.  Like bod and darth said the PS3 is showing massive improvement and others like Riot mentioned how they are at this point focusing on 360 vs. PS3 sicne the Wii is assumed to sell like hotcakes.

lemieux-rules66 said:
This is pointless. Why are we all fighting. For all the time it takes it takes to argue. You all could have beaten a game or two. This console war is tearing us apart. We need to see into the light. We have to get back to why we are here on this planet. To play games, not argue about them. Its time we find our old routes.

Well people saying things like europe being sony's turf, even thought its being beaten, or Sony or MS winning in a particular region, even when Wii is ahead, its clear they are just trying to ignore it


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)