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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Captain Toad metacritic user score ridiculously high

It's a niche title with few votes that strongly appeals to said niche market. KH2.5 currently has 9.7 from 56 votes for the same reason: (

The higher the profile of a game, the more troll scores it tends to get. The WiiU's lack of popularity means it tends to fair the best of the 8th gen consoles (it's seen as somewhat irrelevant by many in the PS vs Xbox fanboy wars), but it still gets a fair number on its higher profile games. Likewise, the fans of a console tend to throw 10's at every exclusive they get.

TL;DR - Metacritic user score's mean bugger all.

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Zekkyou said:

It's a niche title with few votes that strongly appeals to said niche market. KH2.5 currently has 9.7 from 56 votes for the same reason: (

The higher the profile of a game, the more troll scores it tends to get. The WiiU's lack of popularity means it tends to fair the best of the 8th gen consoles (it's seen as somewhat irrelevant by many in the PS vs Xbox fanboy wars), but it still gets a fair number on its higher profile games. Likewise, the fans of a console tend to throw 10's at every exclusive they get.

TL;DR - Metacritic user score's mean bugger all.

Wrong as that would mean the critic score means bugger all as well for Nintendo games. In case you didn't notice, the gap between those two scores on Nintendo games is always very small. That's why I'm surprised it's so big with Captain Toad. And Wii U has many niche games like DKC: TF (sold like a niche game) and PIkmin 3

Not sure why you're talking about the immaturity of the XBOX or PS fanbase on metacritic, this is about Nintendo. 

Anyway, 3 people gave it a zero out of ten so far, right after I made the thread lol. Hmm, how mature of some. 

OttoniBastos said:
bowserthedog said:

Obviously that's too high..  But i'm surprised at how low the review scores are. I feel like the lower price point isn't being factored in enough and it's being reviewed like a full price game.

I don't think most reviewers care about the price vs content issue.


IGN gave 8.9 for titanfall with no singleplayer campaign and lack of multplayer features plus DLC.

Yeah and that's what I'm complaining about. I mean if Shovel Knight had been a retail 60 dollar game no doubt the review scores would have been different. Price needs to be factored in and in many cases it is factored in but they sometimes decide not to for arbritary reasons.

There are only 30 some user reviews so far, I'm sure the score will change quite a bit in the next week.

Samus Aran said:

Wrong as that would mean the critic score means bugger all as well for Nintendo games. In case you didn't notice, the gap between those two scores on Nintendo games is always very small. That's why I'm surprised it's so big with Captain Toad. And Wii U has many niche games like DKC: TF (sold like a niche game) and PIkmin 3

Not sure why you're talking about the immaturity of the XBOX or PS fanbase on metacritic, this is about Nintendo. 

Anyway, 3 people gave it a zero out of ten so far, right after I made the thread lol. Hmm, how mature of some. 

I'm simply explaining why the score is/can be so high. CT will have had a 9.9 from a combination of people who actually like it, fanboys throwing 10s around simply because it's a Nintendo title, and it being niche enough to be ignored by other fanbases. 

It's the same reason KH2.5 has such a high score. CT and KH2.5 may very well deserve those scores to the niche they appeal too, but we have no way to be sure of that. The ease of manipulating the scores (both up and down) invalidate their use.

On top of all of this, the sample size of both games is tiny. 3 0's being enough to drop it from 9.9 to 9.3 should adequately demonstrate how flimsy (thus useless) metacritic user scores are (regardless to the score itself).

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Before 9.9
After 8.9

Nice work topic...

Zekkyou said:
Samus Aran said:

Wrong as that would mean the critic score means bugger all as well for Nintendo games. In case you didn't notice, the gap between those two scores on Nintendo games is always very small. That's why I'm surprised it's so big with Captain Toad. And Wii U has many niche games like DKC: TF (sold like a niche game) and PIkmin 3

Not sure why you're talking about the immaturity of the XBOX or PS fanbase on metacritic, this is about Nintendo. 

Anyway, 3 people gave it a zero out of ten so far, right after I made the thread lol. Hmm, how mature of some. 

I'm simply explaining why the score is/can be so high. CT will have had a 9.9 from a combination of people who actually like it, fanboys throwing 10s around simply because it's a Nintendo title, and it being niche enough to be ignored by other fanbases. 

It's the same reason KH2.5 has such a high score. CT and KH2.5 may very well deserve those scores to the niche they appeal too, but we have no way to be sure of that. The ease of manipulating the scores (both up and down) invalidate their use.

On top of all of this, the sample size of both games is tiny. 3 0's being enough to drop it from 9.9 to 9.3 should adequately demonstrate how flimsy (thus useless) metacritic user scores are (regardless to the score itself).

I already know how useless user scores can be for PS and XBOX games, but like I said, I have always found them to be more accurate on when it comes to Nintendo games. And the Wii U has many niche games if we're going by sales. Bayonetta 1 is widely considered a niche game yet it sold more than DKC: TF will probably ever reach. Even Bayo 2 is currently outpacing it (but maybe that game is more frontloaded than DKC). 

I doubt any PS or XBOX fanboy cares enough to give DK a low score or anything. It's more plausible that frustrated people will give it a low score because the game kicked their ass. :) 

Never trust user reviews on any website. Probably just fanboys who haven't actually played the game yet.

thepurplewalrus said:
Never trust user reviews on any website. Probably just fanboys who haven't actually played the game yet.

Or the 4 people who gave it a zero after reading this thread. I trust those less than a 10/10 for what seems like a fun game. ;)

I think people are just rating this game way too high. Some people say it is a simple but polished game in a year full of unpolished AAA games, which is true, but that doesn't mean that this game instantly deserves a 10,