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Forums - Website Topics - Say something nice about VGCHARTZ 2.0

ioi said:
Ryudo said:
ioi said:
Ryudo said:

I love ad blockers


Yes me too. Bet you'd love to work hard and put a lot of money into something for people to use and not even make a contribution towards.

I give you traffic and link your site to other forums like on sites I mod at Gamespy for news/articles giving it more traffic and hits.

As for ads don't tell me you skip past ads when reading a mag or a recorded show on TV.

And no contribution..I guess posting on the forums which they were meant for means nothing.


Traffic isn't much use if you block the ads. That just costs money to host but doesn't pay anything back! We get paid per impression not per click - doesn't matter if you click through or not but blocking ads from displaying cuts off any revenue that the site can try to generate.

I obviously appreciate people linking to and promoting the site and apologies if my original comment was a little harsh but I do feel like people that block ads (and especially those who go and boast about it) are basically sticking two fingers up to all the work and time that goes into the site. It's like me going into a shop and just helping myself to whatever I want without paying for it. I want to keep the site free for you guys and have advertisers fund its existance, but if you block the ads (as about 1/4 - 1/3 of users now are) then it really makes things an uphill struggle.

 I understand that but I never buy from ads they are just spam in my home.

And plus I think of it as a security issue as some maleware is aimed at hovering your mouse over ads even ones that were not meant to have it built in and aims at random sites in random ads.(I listen to Leo Laports Security now Podcats and

I never let HTML either in my emails,just text as a security thing for the same reason.

I truly appreciate the site and sites that offered donations when I financially can I gave money to the site itself.

I don't really boast about ad blocking I just made a little side joke and had no idea it would become such a huge issue..never seen admins/webmasters do it before.


If the tongue and cheek comment is that offensive then by all means delete it. 


Anyway I hate to de rail this topic so I said a few times in the topic how much I like the new look and will leave it there and just move on to other topics. 

Around the Network

I love the new look. Very stylish and professional looking at the same time. The front page looks particularly awesome. Nice work!

Its blue. I like blue.

Looks gorgeous in my PS3 browser,wonder how's gonna look in my Laptop.
We appreciate your effort,thank you ioi.

I'm a fan of the colors, they don't hurt my eyes. The layout is also very good.

Around the Network

yo I love it! its tight! its more high tech looking.

Site looks excellent. Sharp as a blade. Thumbs up!

I love the new layout. It definitely makes the site look more professional. I actually think this will help our credibility. Great job guys!!

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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I like the new light blue color scheme. Great job!

It gives you a cool, fresh, and friendly kind of feeling, very..... mmm... Wii-like.

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

I love the style!
And Blue was a nice choice!

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