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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony: Wii “a shadow of its former self”, Vita better than 3DS and others as “best handheld gaming experience”

Ka-pi96 said:

Regardless of what it has got itself, it still has PSP backwards compatibility. Due to that it is automatically as good as the PSP at a minimum, no?

I wish I could agree with that assumption but vita misses many of the best PSP titles. It's much worse in regions outside of Japan. PS1 library is very similar.  Not even Crash Bandicoot is supported in NA. I think about buying a PSP again for my portable PS1 fix. 

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Genuinely does anyone actually OWN both consoles and prefers the feel and function of the 3DS?

Every time go from my Vita to my 3DS I feel sad.... Its like going from the PS4 back to the PS3, its just gross. In a fairer world, sony owns the right to mario, smash, pokemon and zelda.

Ljink96 said:
The problem is, both Nintendo and Sony have their faults in beliefs. Yes, Wii U isn't doing that well and PS4 is appealing to the mass market. However, the PS Vita is selling like corn nuts while the 3DS is simply killing the competition. It doesn't matter what either thinks, it comes down to numbers. PS4 is killing Wii U and 3DS is killing Vita. Simple as that.

Thats the way it's always been. Sony is the king of consoles and Nintendo, handhelds. MS is the ugly step child that's never invited to the dinner table lol.

Tippi said:

A couple of folks over at Sony shared some not-so-nice comments pertaining to Nintendo in recent interviews.

First, while speaking with Red Bull, Sony’s Fergal Gara said that the Wii “is a shadow of its former self.” Gara was reflecting on the future of the PlayStation 4 and appealing to a mass market.

Elsewhere in an interview with IGN, Sony Computer Entertainment America president/CEO Shawn Layden stated that he believes the PlayStation Vita offers the best portable gaming experience – even more so than what Nintendo is doing with 3DS.

The Vita comment is merely a matter of opinion and it's no different to what Regiie said about Wii U. And it's actually a very neutral thing. There is no talking down of Nintendo, there is only talking up of PSV. And this is what COmpany people are required to do. It's not like he's saying 3DS is cheap and crappy. And he is even differentiating it from mobile so he's giving 3DS respect by acknowledging the distinction between handheld and mobile. In some respects Sony and Nintendo have a common enemy in mobile platforms and I'm sure they'd both rather be back in the handheld hey day of the DS and PSP era.

the first comment is merely a statement of fact. Wii IS a shadow of its former self, it is szelling in the 2 gigit figures in Japan and 3 and 4 digit figuresd in all the other top tier markets. That just is what it is. Also nothing there that's "not-so-nice" about Nintendo. Nintendo would (if they are honest) say the same thing, and they would say their focus and energy is all on Wii U. So why is it that Sony saying what Nintendo would accept as fact being not-so-nice? 

Seems like some people being a bit overly sensitive.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


teigaga said:
Devil_Survivor said:
teigaga said:
I detected no lies. Say what you want about the lack of Vita exclusives or AAA games but playing on it is superior to the 3DS. Y'all will disagree then scream joy at the fact that Nintendo re-released the 3DS with a second analoge stick and a OS that runs a little less shity.

Here's the problem how you view this. Its an opinion which is something that cannot by defined in terms of someting being true or a lie since its subjective and not factual. From my perspective that guy is lying throught his teeth because its my opnion the 3DS is the better console. However, I don't put it those terms for the reason stated above. If Sony did the same as Nintendo you be priasing it too so you're being a hypocrtic about the New 3DS.

Sony couldn't do the above because the Vita is so perfect, so perfect infact that the only thing they could do was downgrade it.... and they did...and its hardware is still better then the N3DS :(

Ummmmmmmmmm...... So perfect huh? Yeap perfect. Perfect Hardware > Actual Games confirmed

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spot on with the shadow of its former self comment.

tbone51 said:
teigaga said:

Sony couldn't do the above because the Vita is so perfect, so perfect infact that the only thing they could do was downgrade it.... and they did...and its hardware is still better then the N3DS :(

Ummmmmmmmmm...... So perfect huh? Yeap perfect. Perfect Hardware > Actual Games confirmed

Who said that?

Since we're on the topic Vita actually has a huge abundance of good games, far higher then the 3DS.They're just not exclusive, AA or mass market.  The 3DS gets like 1 must have every few months... and that sells it for the next quarter. Vita gets a dozen great experiences in a quarter, none sell systems though.

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Lawl, sales would say otherwise

If anything, its one of the worst handheld gaming experience in recent memory

Easy now big guy with all your angry jizz.. I've spent more hours with my 3DS than my Vita but still P4G, Tearaway, Minecraft, Gravity Rush, etc. are highly enjoyable experiences on the go and far from "the worst handheld experience". :S

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
MikeRox said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Lawl, sales would say otherwise

If anything, its one of the worst handheld gaming experience in recent memory

Ah, back to sales = quality. I guess the PS4 is undisputedly the best 8th gen home console experience at the moment then? I wouldn't actually say it is right now.

By far the best portable gaming experience. The biggest mistake I made was getting a Vita in 2012 because it made my until then well used 3DS nigh on completely redundant.

When did I say sales = quality? They aren't even in the same sentence or anywhere on my post really... Please don't put words that aren't there... The 3ds/DS/PsP has more quality games than the Vita does and ever will hence why the Vita is the worst gaming handheld in recent memory.

Statement: Vita is best handheld experience. Your response lawl sales would say otherwise. If that isn't implying sales = quality I don't know what is.

DS and PSP definitely have more quality games, 3DS? Even Metacritic would suggest that's a fallacy, it just has more exclusives. However, if you're after a game for a handheld, whether it's on a home console is completely irrelevant so I'd say the statement that the Vita is the best handheld experience is actually pretty spot on. Especially when you have a 2 hour commute each way to work.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

Lol, this guy isn't very smart. He was a terrible public speaker at E3 and now he's making dumb comments like this.


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