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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Eurogamer: Mario Kart 8 "best looking console game of the year"

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Soundwave said:
curl-6 said:
Soundwave said:
we haven't really seen what the PS4/X1 can really do

Agreed, but I don't think we've seen what Wii U can really do either.

I think you're more or less looking at it. Since the N64, Nintendo's made their consoles so that you can get basically max performance from them pretty much from the get go. As a result, early gen games like Rogue Squadron (GCN), Star Fox Adventures (GCN), Super Mario Galaxy (Wii), and Metroid Prime 3 (Wii) look as good as basically any late gen game. This was a result of Nintendo being frustrated with the N64 hardware. 

A 33-watt console built on a 40nm process simply isn't going to keep pace with 120 watt 28nm more modern GPU either ... it just isn't. 

Uncharted IV will rip anything on the Wii U to shreds from a technical level. 

That said Nintendo's art style is very eye pleasing especially in HD (which also goes to show how full of it all those "HD doesn't matter!" folks were). 

Zelda: Wind Waker HD still looks great even though its still basically running extremely dated assets and geometry. 

that is the most false statement i have ever read. just go look at a platformer like mario 64 then look at Conkers bad fur day one from the end of the life time one from the beggining massive difference.

even with Ocarina of time and then Majoras mask pretty big differences in graphics. ~Thank you Stefl1504 for the amazing sig~
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curl-6 said:
RJ_Sizzle said:

Mario Kart is enjoyable and all, but that site has a serious jones for Nintendo that's almost near sycophancy.

If that were the case, explain their damning Digital Foundary verdicts of Wii U multiplats.

Compared to X1 and PS4? It's weaker hardware, it's the nature of the beast, a non-debatable thing.

Coming out and saying Wii U Mario Kart is the best looking console game is strange, and stems for over-reverence. Kool-Aid was drunk.

RJ_Sizzle said:
curl-6 said:

If that were the case, explain their damning Digital Foundary verdicts of Wii U multiplats.

Compared to X1 and PS4? It's weaker hardware, it's the nature of the beast, a non-debatable thing.

Coming out and saying Wii U Mario Kart is the best looking console game is strange, and stems for over-reverence. Kool-Aid was drunk.

No, compared to PS3 and 360, which are weaker systems than Wii U. They were also critical of Wii U's design choices, and several of Nintendo's software decisions.

MK8's beauty is widely recognized, finding it the most visually pleasing console game of the year isn't strange at all. It may not be the most technically advanced, but that's not what they said, they said "best looking" which is a subjective matter  of aesthetic preference. No Kool Aid required.

GTAexpert said:
fedfed said:
GTAexpert said:
fedfed said:
and now everyone should own a WiiU!"

Yeah right just because one reviewer from Eurogamer (a heavily biased site) states his preference in visuals of MK8 everyone should buy a Wii U now.

It was more of a Joke....


i wish that was enough! but you knwo better then myslef what people this days likes to play! i only Play Nintendo games!

You have only played Nintendo games, or you do so because you only like Nintendo games after trying other games? If you haven't tried other games, you should, as there are a huge number of excellent games out there.

I did own a PS2 and loved most of the game at the time... hence I got a gamecube very late in life....


However; there is something deeper and in Nintendo first Ip games... I am not sure but somehow they fulfil me more... they fill less "ephemerally" if that make sense. i think Nintendo does games I like to replay and replay and they don't get old they become cult.


I actually agree with Eurogamer for once, though I'd have said sunset overdrive is close.

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theprof00 said:
I actually agree with Eurogamer for once, though I'd have said sunset overdrive is close.

I need to see that one on an actual TV, even in compressed youtube videos it looks great.