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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will AC Unity on X1 outsell the PS4 version?

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Which will sell more?

AC Unity on X1 12 5.50%
AC Unity on PS4 192 88.07%
Pretty much a tie 7 3.21%
see results 7 3.21%

jlmurph2 said:

When it sells more on PS4 it'll just let Ubi know they can take money from MS while getting money from PS owners. I don't think it'll be lower than last year with the much higher install base but that's just me.

What matter for Ubi board is how much it sold compared with the last version... if PS4 had a 20% drop in sales then they will ask why that happened.

This is pretty common in company's boards.

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ethomaz said:

jlmurph2 said:

When it sells more on PS4 it'll just let Ubi know they can take money from MS while getting money from PS owners. I don't think it'll be lower than last year with the much higher install base but that's just me.

What matter for Ubi board is how much it sold compared with the last version... if PS4 had a 20% drop in sales then they will ask why that happened.

This is pretty common in company's boards.

I don't think it'll drop

Unity bundle is a download code, so in terms of VGC will it count? It would mean VGC having to guess at the sales of 2 among a number of skus.

I'm not sure outside launch week if US will go to Xb one. This sort of game has traditionally had a better attach rate on PS even in 7th gen. So when we get to the end of the year PS4 version should be in the lead.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

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Jimi Hendrix


Nope, PS4>Xbone

AC U PS4 will destroy AC U Xbox One!

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WW PS4 in US xbox if AC parity is correct.

jlmurph2 said:
Even though PS owners are hating Ubi for 900p I think it will sell more on PS4. US most likely X1's though.


As always people cry and call for boycott but at the end it is just talks :) They will buy it for sure.
And as we have two times more PS4 out there I expect it to sales way more on PS4.

Maybe not in the UK/US as we Microsoft still managed to sale almost the same amount of COD:AW on Xbox One than PS4 even if there are way more PS4 but I do not expect it to be the same here as AC is targeting a different audience.

PS4 by a pretty large margin. The XB1 bundle might help it win week 1 since it coincided with the big price drop. But the ps4 version should sell much better throughout the rest of the holidays.

It usually sells better on PS and PS4 has sold a lot more than X1 so I'm very sure it will sell better on PS4.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

PS4 by a lot, despite the bundle

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