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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Just cancelled my Halo:MCC pre-order.

I'm pre-ordering at the M$ Store just for the license plate cover.


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The logic isn't all that wrong, the games were already experienced in the past, for him to spend more 60 bucks on this, it better be brilliantly done and meta could give him a hint if that was achieved or not. This being said, 88 sound like they did this pretty good. I would give it a shot, now or a bit later.

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Halo MCC is one of the best value for your money in gaming atm.I really can't comprehend why gamers rely on reviews.It woouldbe much easier to form your own opinion about a game.

I applaud your rebelheadedness ser. Never played a lot of mp. Liked 2 the least of the mc games and own anniversary so this is a definite later for me. Enough fps already.

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Angelus said:
Is this a joke thread?

Don't trust critics, never trust critic

kinda glad i cancelled preorder now, just got handed a free review copy, which i can play right now :)

In b4 someone chimes in to say bs.

Why are so many people having so much trouble understanding his reasoning?

He already has the games. So to get the MCC, he'd need good reason to get it. He expected that the games would get a serious boost to quality. Reviews are suggesting otherwise, with the collection, having more than four times the content (four games plus all DLC), getting rated lower than he anticipated. As such, he remains unconvinced of the value, and has cancelled the pre-order - it's not like he couldn't just play the original games, which he currently owns.

Notice that this doesn't preclude him from picking up the game later down the track, either.

Wow. Halo 2 anniversary alone this collection worth the $60. The revamped graphics, the amazing cg cut scenes, plus the feeling of just having halo on the Xbox one finally is worth it.

I know for myself I can't wait to open this on Christmas day. Assuming I get it that is along with the Xbox one I asked for.

Are you very very very sure you don't want it? :)