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Forums - Sony Discussion - AC: Unity PS4 Leaked (aka I Hate Sub-1080p Blurriness)

eh watchdogs is actually pretty clear

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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@ethomaz i have a 51 inch full hd 600hz plasma tv and i sit not to far from the TV and i can't see the difference at all. Check the youtube link showing the gameplay i posted to you . its not bad compared to how people are mkaing it out to be. Forza 5 is 1080p not 900p lol. have you tried sunset overdrive. I am not the only one who said it was very sharp for a 900p game. Even DF said it as well. The pics you posted look not bad. i am sure it will look even better in motion . The consoles are not strong wnough to make it 1080p all the time without graphical sacrifice.

@ethomaz the game shown on the video which can go up to 720p with compressed youtube video , looks pretty good. definetly loosk a whole better then any xbox 360 or ps3 game

ethomaz said:

And yeap... no-1080p was a resolution taken even before the generation started... in 2012 because that what I expected from PS3 and it didn't delivered and now with PS4 it is the minimum because you know the HDTVs standard is 1080p and non-native resolutions looks like shit.

Next-generation I expected 4k mininum... I will buy a 4k in the next five years... my next console will need to be 4k.

I don't what to step back from what I had on PS360... I want to go foward and I support that... PS4 at least is moving foward way better than PS3 while I can't say the samething about the competition.

Good luck with that.
If this is a "Short" generation, there may not be enough technical progress in the PC space to make 4k a viable option for consoles in 4-5 years time, 2k resolution (I.E. Quad-HD) could be a possibility, my bets are on 1080P being a target again.
Keep in mind that "big" GPU jumps are only happening once every 3-4 years now in the PC space and consoles will probably use mid-range or low-end hardware anyway.
Right now you need to Crossfire/SLI two high-end cards to achieve a decent 4k experience and with the baseline moved up thanks to the new consoles, I can see the need for myself and others throwing more hardware at the performance problem, which you can't do in a consoles because of costs.

ethomaz said:

I'm fine with consoles being underpowered compared with PC... I'm not fine stoped the evolution after from a gen to another.

Then why complain about resolution? You bought into a cheap platform, so you really should expect a cheap experience and not a AAA experience with everything turned up to 11.
Before these consoles launched I stated that there was no guarentee the PS4 is going to have 1080P throughout it's lifetime, expect downgrades... And I was right.
It's probably going to get significantly worse in a couple of years time, we may even see drops below 1600x900.

Fact of the matter is, resolution isn't the main issue that affects image quality.

In this particular case however, Ubisoft are just being jerks and should be ridiculed... However, wait untill after the game is launched and you see it in action before you start complaining.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
ethomaz said:

And yeap... no-1080p was a resolution taken even before the generation started... in 2012 because that what I expected from PS3 and it didn't delivered and now with PS4 it is the minimum because you know the HDTVs standard is 1080p and non-native resolutions looks like shit.

Next-generation I expected 4k mininum... I will buy a 4k in the next five years... my next console will need to be 4k.

I don't what to step back from what I had on PS360... I want to go foward and I support that... PS4 at least is moving foward way better than PS3 while I can't say the samething about the competition.

Good luck with that.
If this is a "Short" generation, there may not be enough technical progress in the PC space to make 4k a viable option for consoles in 4-5 years time, 2k resolution (I.E. Quad-HD) could be a possibility, my bets are on 1080P being a target again.
Keep in mind that "big" GPU jumps are only happening once every 3-4 years now in the PC space and consoles will probably use mid-range or low-end hardware anyway.
Right now you need to Crossfire/SLI two high-end cards to achieve a decent 4k experience and with the baseline moved up thanks to the new consoles, I can see the need for myself and others throwing more hardware at the performance problem, which you can't do in a consoles because of costs.

I think you mean 4K, 2K is 1080p. You're probably right, next gen will have as many 4K games as last gen had 1080p games on consoles. They will have 4K upscalers with HMDI 2.0, and perhaps games will be rendered internally at 1440p or 1620p (Same step as 720p to 1080p in pixel count). Kinda sucks. This gen is the one where 1080p is the standard and best gen to target native display resolution. Next gen there will be a mix of 4K and 1080p tvs out there.

Might be an interesting next gen if Nintendo fully commits to 1080p60, while Sony goes back to it's old confidence with a $600 full 4K console and MS continues with upscaling everything in between for $400.

What happens next gen will also depend heavily on the success of OR and Project Morpheus.

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looks terribad.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

teigaga said:
Lol at people saying they won't buy a game thats not 1080p. You're probably a bigger fan of hardware specs then you are of actual videogames.

And yeah just to echo everyone else, this game doesn't look like it was built from the ground up for Next gen hardware but despite being underwhelming its in no way 'ugly'. From what we've seen those screenshots don't quite give credit to how much is going on in the games world, no current games are even comparable. Not Infamous, Not shadow of mordor....And y'all cannot be bringing up last gen ports (GTA, TLOU) lol. NOT comparable.

.... its not the 900p thats the issue. Its no one wants to buy a game the maker is intentionally gimping.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

SvennoJ said:
Pemalite said:
ethomaz said:

And yeap... no-1080p was a resolution taken even before the generation started... in 2012 because that what I expected from PS3 and it didn't delivered and now with PS4 it is the minimum because you know the HDTVs standard is 1080p and non-native resolutions looks like shit.

Next-generation I expected 4k mininum... I will buy a 4k in the next five years... my next console will need to be 4k.

I don't what to step back from what I had on PS360... I want to go foward and I support that... PS4 at least is moving foward way better than PS3 while I can't say the samething about the competition.

Good luck with that.
If this is a "Short" generation, there may not be enough technical progress in the PC space to make 4k a viable option for consoles in 4-5 years time, 2k resolution (I.E. Quad-HD) could be a possibility, my bets are on 1080P being a target again.
Keep in mind that "big" GPU jumps are only happening once every 3-4 years now in the PC space and consoles will probably use mid-range or low-end hardware anyway.
Right now you need to Crossfire/SLI two high-end cards to achieve a decent 4k experience and with the baseline moved up thanks to the new consoles, I can see the need for myself and others throwing more hardware at the performance problem, which you can't do in a consoles because of costs.

I think you mean 4K, 2K is 1080p. You're probably right, next gen will have as many 4K games as last gen had 1080p games on consoles. They will have 4K upscalers with HMDI 2.0, and perhaps games will be rendered internally at 1440p or 1620p (Same step as 720p to 1080p in pixel count). Kinda sucks. This gen is the one where 1080p is the standard and best gen to target native display resolution. Next gen there will be a mix of 4K and 1080p tvs out there.

Might be an interesting next gen if Nintendo fully commits to 1080p60, while Sony goes back to it's old confidence with a $600 full 4K console and MS continues with upscaling everything in between for $400.

What happens next gen will also depend heavily on the success of OR and Project Morpheus.

Actually, if you're going to correct someone, try to correct them correctly.
2k is *not* officially 1080P. It is: 2048 x 1152 or 2048 × 1556. (full-aperture)
However, if you look at the industry trend, 2k is mostly referenced towards 2560x1440 as it's a nice clean quad-druple of 720P which allows for clean scaling and monitor/tv manufacturers heck even phone/tablets are advertising 2560x1440 as 2k.

Converesly 4k is supposed to be 4096 x 2160, rather than the 3840 x 2160 standard the industry has settle for, because it allows for better scaling of 1920x1080 content due to it retaining the same aspect ratio as it's quad-druple the 1080P's resolution.

The more you know.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
ethomaz said:

And yeap... no-1080p was a resolution taken even before the generation started... in 2012 because that what I expected from PS3 and it didn't delivered and now with PS4 it is the minimum because you know the HDTVs standard is 1080p and non-native resolutions looks like shit.

Next-generation I expected 4k mininum... I will buy a 4k in the next five years... my next console will need to be 4k.

I don't what to step back from what I had on PS360... I want to go foward and I support that... PS4 at least is moving foward way better than PS3 while I can't say the samething about the competition.

Good luck with that.
If this is a "Short" generation, there may not be enough technical progress in the PC space to make 4k a viable option for consoles in 4-5 years time, 2k resolution (I.E. Quad-HD) could be a possibility, my bets are on 1080P being a target again.
Keep in mind that "big" GPU jumps are only happening once every 3-4 years now in the PC space and consoles will probably use mid-range or low-end hardware anyway.
Right now you need to Crossfire/SLI two high-end cards to achieve a decent 4k experience and with the baseline moved up thanks to the new consoles, I can see the need for myself and others throwing more hardware at the performance problem, which you can't do in a consoles because of costs.

ethomaz said:

I'm fine with consoles being underpowered compared with PC... I'm not fine stoped the evolution after from a gen to another.

Then why complain about resolution? You bought into a cheap platform, so you really should expect a cheap experience and not a AAA experience with everything turned up to 11.
Before these consoles launched I stated that there was no guarentee the PS4 is going to have 1080P throughout it's lifetime, expect downgrades... And I was right.
It's probably going to get significantly worse in a couple of years time, we may even see drops below 1600x900.

Fact of the matter is, resolution isn't the main issue that affects image quality.

In this particular case however, Ubisoft are just being jerks and should be ridiculed... However, wait untill after the game is launched and you see it in action before you start complaining.

I think you comment about that part don't make sense at all because I don't expect a new generation before 2020 and I can't see anything less 4k to be standard... PC will be at 8k or more in 2020.

The second part...

You alreayd have a transitation generation from pre-HD to HD... sub-720p to 1080... now it is time to 1080p shine... 1080p is standard for HDTV and it needs to be that resolution becuase we already passed the transiction generation.

Resolution is one of the key points that affect image quality and if you are a PC user you will know the last thing you will drop in game is resolution... everything else will be second to resolution except framerate... effects, textures, AA, etc, etc will be all dropped before resolution for better image quality.

I don't want a console that not evolute... I want a console that more forward... that is why I choose PS4.

ethomaz said:

I think you comment about that part don't make sense at all because I don't expect a new generation before 2020 and I can't see anything less 4k to be standard... PC will be at 8k or more in 2020.

The second part...

You alreayd have a transitation generation from pre-HD to HD... sub-720p to 1080... now it is time to 1080p shine... 1080p is standard for HDTV and it needs to be that resolution becuase we already passed the transiction generation.

Resolution is one of the key points that affect image quality and if you are a PC user you will know the last thing you will drop in game is resolution... everything else will be second to resolution except framerate... effects, textures, AA, etc, etc will be all dropped before resolution for better image quality.

I don't want a console that not evolute... I want a console that more forward... that is why I choose PS4.

Ironically, it doesn't matter what resolution the consumer want's to be standard, it's not up to them.
You are given what you are given in console land, it's taken consoles 2 decades to catch upto a low-end PC in terms of resolution alone. (PC had 1920x1080 in 1995, maybe earlier.)
And the only way consoles next gen will be capable of 4k gaming is actually, up to the PC... And lets face it, the PC is slowing down in terms of performance increases, AMD for instance has pretty much been stagnant for 3 years, maybe 4 (Remains to be seen.).
Single GPU's today just dont have the grunt for 4k yet and if AMD continues on a course of only 10-50% performance increases every 3+ years, then it's probably going to be well into 2020 before mid-range hardware is capable of 4k.

The great thing about PC though, there is no resolution standard, you get what you pay for, for example... If you wanted, you can have resolutions that exceed 8k today.
There are also differences between a PC experience and a console experience.
With a PC, you see all the fine details in a video games scene due to the distance you view the panel from, with a console you could be viewing it from meters away on a 32" panel, which can/may result in ZERO quality difference between 720P and 1080P.
Not to mention that the consoles scaler performs some post processing to help fix up the final image before it's sent to be displayed, PC's generally don't have dedicated hardware for that task, so that ruins any potential comparison point anyway.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--