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ethomaz said:

I think you comment about that part don't make sense at all because I don't expect a new generation before 2020 and I can't see anything less 4k to be standard... PC will be at 8k or more in 2020.

The second part...

You alreayd have a transitation generation from pre-HD to HD... sub-720p to 1080... now it is time to 1080p shine... 1080p is standard for HDTV and it needs to be that resolution becuase we already passed the transiction generation.

Resolution is one of the key points that affect image quality and if you are a PC user you will know the last thing you will drop in game is resolution... everything else will be second to resolution except framerate... effects, textures, AA, etc, etc will be all dropped before resolution for better image quality.

I don't want a console that not evolute... I want a console that more forward... that is why I choose PS4.

Ironically, it doesn't matter what resolution the consumer want's to be standard, it's not up to them.
You are given what you are given in console land, it's taken consoles 2 decades to catch upto a low-end PC in terms of resolution alone. (PC had 1920x1080 in 1995, maybe earlier.)
And the only way consoles next gen will be capable of 4k gaming is actually, up to the PC... And lets face it, the PC is slowing down in terms of performance increases, AMD for instance has pretty much been stagnant for 3 years, maybe 4 (Remains to be seen.).
Single GPU's today just dont have the grunt for 4k yet and if AMD continues on a course of only 10-50% performance increases every 3+ years, then it's probably going to be well into 2020 before mid-range hardware is capable of 4k.

The great thing about PC though, there is no resolution standard, you get what you pay for, for example... If you wanted, you can have resolutions that exceed 8k today.
There are also differences between a PC experience and a console experience.
With a PC, you see all the fine details in a video games scene due to the distance you view the panel from, with a console you could be viewing it from meters away on a 32" panel, which can/may result in ZERO quality difference between 720P and 1080P.
Not to mention that the consoles scaler performs some post processing to help fix up the final image before it's sent to be displayed, PC's generally don't have dedicated hardware for that task, so that ruins any potential comparison point anyway.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--