todd2r said: That's what I'm thinking. To be honest, its not surprising. The Xbox One has the games and the best online service going today. It might be more close to 3:1 actually when you think about all the great exclusives as well. Its unbelievable. Thank you Microsoft. We are humbled. |
As I've said earlier, Amazon doesn't really predict by how much one console outsells another. The other problem with your reasoning is that the COD and Assassin's Creed Unity bundles got into the Top 20 just last night. However, the Destiny PS4 bundle immediately got into the Top 20 ever since it got announced months before its release date. Huge difference.
Also, the PS4 and Destiny bundle were ahead of the X1 SKU by 20-30 places in the Amazon hourly rankings all last month. The PS4 had a much more dominant performance last month for a really long period of time. It remains to be seen how well the preorders and sales are maintained. WIth both PS4 SKUs way ahead of the X1 in September, you'd think that it outsold the X1 by 3 to 1. However, NPD showed that it "only" outsold the X1 by 1.89 to 1. This proves that you can't just look at Amazon if you want to predict the sales ratio. In the scenario we're looking at now, both X1 bundles are only 2-3 spaces ahead of the PS4 SKU. Destiny bundle is at the low 30s.
We also have to put into account that not all retailers have the same trend. Gamestop, for instance, is a good example of this (,28-xu0 ). The PS4 SKU is actually ahead of the COD X1 bundle by a good number of spots. The COD bundle is only a few spots ahead of the Destiny bundle while the X1 SKU is way behind.