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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft to overtake Nintendo in Home Console Sales this Century

Jumpin said:

Doubt it.

Nintendo - 274 million
Microsoft - 114 million

Nintendo has also been selling better than Microsoft since the launch of the original Xbox. I don't see Microsoft being around in the business for long enough to ever come close to Nintendo's home console sales.

How about you read the OP before you post.

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Seece said:
wary-wallaroo said:

Did you know the X1 is already the best selling third generation Xbox console. It's unmatched!


Anyways, how are they doing against post 2000 Sony sales? Probably a better comparison, wouldn't it? 

Since when was this a comparison? This is a thread about a shift about to take place.

Not really, presumably before the Wii and 360 came out, XBox was already ahead for this century, then they fell behind, seems like swings and roundabouts to me. This century will go on along time yet and i would not be surprised to see it swing back. 

Ofcourse if you include handhelds where Nintendo does most of its gaming business, its a crushing defeat for the MS gaming brand. 

NiKKoM said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
RolStoppable said:

According to NiKKoM, your women are the worst across all of Europe.

His argument is invalid because trashleg. Although UK nearly lost her together with the whole Scotland.

Anyhow, even without Scotland, England has many nice girls.

Its been proven that a tiny small precentage of UK women take all the beauty genes,

and left none for anyone else:

in the rest of the world its more spread out.. our average girls are like a 7.. whilst in the UK its like a low 5..

ROTFL, good point! And yes, it's quite easier to meet Dutch girls that are at least nice if not really hot. Still unexplainable how your "cousins" the Belgians are in a situation a lot closer to UK, though!   

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Shadow1980 said:
Seece said:

But like I said, that pretty much means you think it'll be discontinued in January. It'll be at 87m shipped after shipping 4m this year, by Dec 31st.

It's dropping but it's not near discontinuation, like I said, 90m+ is a certainty, and what is shipped, will be sold.

That is why talking sold is pointless.

January 2016. That's right. Sometime around there. And if realistically MS can only sell another 3-4 million units above what they have right now, I doubt they will manufacture another 5 million when there's on the order of 1.5M sitting on store shelves as of the end of Q3 this year (and 1.5M is likely how much they'll sell this quarter). Just because they flood the market with an old system doesn't mean it'll sell if the market stops caring about last-gen hardware. But if you think they'll ship a lot more than they can practically expect to sell, well, that's your prerogative.

There isn't. The site is simply undertracking.

I'm calculating shipments based on shipment trends, not what this site shows as sold. Again this is where you end up with skewed figures/outcomes. Go look at shipments and predict what they'll ship based on that.


How much profit has Nintendo made on video games in the past 14 years? How much profit has Microsoft made on video games in the past 14 years? Doesn't that really tell who's succeeding in the video game industry?

Around the Network
Seece said:
KyleeStrutt said:
Alright, I'm willing to bet on it.

If by December 21st 2099, sales of Nintendo consoles are higher that of Xbox consoles I win, otherwise you do.

Winner takes sig control for the next century.

Deal! I think MS will overtake in 2016 though.

Nintendo could always take the lead back again.  They did in 2006

NiKKoM said:

Its been proven that a tiny small precentage of UK women take all the beauty genes,

and left none for anyone else:

in the rest of the world its more spread out.. our average girls are like a 7.. whilst in the UK its like a low 5..

... why do I live here again? Oh right, where I was born. 

I really need to go to live in Latvia for a year or something.


On topic, century? Nice time limit on your prediction, MS has 86 years to make sure it comes true.

Hmm, pie.

RolStoppable said:
It had already happened in 2006, so the only noteworthy thing here is that Microsoft fell so far behind.

Not really when you take into account N64 sales from 2000 and onward

Seece said:
Twilord said:

I don't see the Xbone beating the Wii U by enough for that to happen, assuming it does beat the Wii-U. - Once you take that into account, and who knows what MS or Nintendo will do the gen after this.

Obviously Microsoft won't over take Nintendo next gen if it winds up as something like "DRM-Box VS Memory-Installation Neural-Interface". Fliipside being if Sony go under or leave the market Microsoft will probably gain and lot more than Nintendo.

Of course it is, why is this still a discussion here?

Maybe a conversation for another thread ...

XB1 doesn't beat Wii U until it beats it.  As of now, you just have a prediction.  What will happen when the Wii U drops to $200?  Think they'll sell better?  What about a Zelda bundle for $200 next year?   Wii U already has a lead on the XB1, don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Lyrikalstylez said:
Jimbo1337 said:
Well there is no way that Microsoft will pass Nintendo in home consoles with the XB1 at this current rate. I also highly doubt that Microsoft will continue to invest in a division that has completely fallen on their faces. Nintendo will continue to make great hardware with fresh 1st party games while Microsoft continues to rely heavily on 3rd party games with faulty hardware. So no, they wont pass Nintendo this Century.

Entirely your opinion, Nintendo has been on a decline for years now and will continue to do so

in my opinion

How many Wii's did Nintendo sell?  At a profit?