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Shadow1980 said:
Seece said:

But like I said, that pretty much means you think it'll be discontinued in January. It'll be at 87m shipped after shipping 4m this year, by Dec 31st.

It's dropping but it's not near discontinuation, like I said, 90m+ is a certainty, and what is shipped, will be sold.

That is why talking sold is pointless.

January 2016. That's right. Sometime around there. And if realistically MS can only sell another 3-4 million units above what they have right now, I doubt they will manufacture another 5 million when there's on the order of 1.5M sitting on store shelves as of the end of Q3 this year (and 1.5M is likely how much they'll sell this quarter). Just because they flood the market with an old system doesn't mean it'll sell if the market stops caring about last-gen hardware. But if you think they'll ship a lot more than they can practically expect to sell, well, that's your prerogative.

There isn't. The site is simply undertracking.

I'm calculating shipments based on shipment trends, not what this site shows as sold. Again this is where you end up with skewed figures/outcomes. Go look at shipments and predict what they'll ship based on that.