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Forums - Sales Discussion - WW hardware + US software 18th October 2014

bigjon said:
small44 said:
See Destiny review has no effect on it it's leg it's not bad at all


reviews effect 1st week sales
word of mouth has more impact on legs


Destiny circumvented the reviews effects by making the game so hyped a huge number of people bought it before they even read a review.

Destiny has a huge first week and it's drop is similar too any other big IP.

I hear a lot of people  saying Destiny will effect next weeks because of bad reviews it didn't happen,majority of people don't care about reviews because it have not that great reviews dosn't mean all people think the game suck

ethomaz said:
small44 said:
See Destiny review has no effect on it it's leg it's not bad at all

Word of mouth for Destiny is pretty good... so reviews didn't affected at all.

When gamers like a game it shells based on word of mouth even if it failed in reviews.

Many people say it's a bad game because reviews said that

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Around the Network

small44 said:

Many people say it's a bad game because reviews said that

Many internet gaming forum people you say... that is why most of time the VGC councensus is totally different from real world gamers.

I was in a party with my girlfriend and her friend (that I didn't even remembered he had my PSN) was excited asking me how I had that much of Legendary gears... it wants to know how to get some to level up and so... it was really excited and loving to play the game.

He is a normal studenty that didn't know that GAF or VGC exists... he just play games without discuss it in internet forums or read reviews... he didn't even know there is a Raid in the game (he didn't know what is Raid too).

ethomaz said:

I just checked...

PS4 is still UNDERTRACKED!!!

9,771,175 as of 9th Aug.

So over 200k undertracked.


Maybe they adjusted with the following weeks :)

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

OfficerRaichu15 said:
Slarvax said:
WiiU 3,332 (+37%) 356,359

Ok, seriously. Why? 

bayonetta 2 hype silly XD

Pac-Man Ghostly Adventures 2 got released that week, might be popular with kids.

Next week Wii U will have a double boost from both Bayonetta titles and Just dance 2015

freedquaker said:
CosmicSex said:
DialgaMarine said:
Ok, even I'm questioning it at this point... What the hell is driving the PS4 so strong right now?

Why not?  The system plays games doesn't it? 

The answer is very easy. The Xbox Brand was never strong to begin with. It was relatively healthy in the US, because of Microsoft's heavy promoting, but mainly because of the NETWORK EFFECTS.

Outside the English speaking nations, none of these effects existed. The only major reason why X360 even sold elsewhere is PIRACY, without which, X360 would not even sell half its numbers outside the English speaking regions.

Now, XB1 does not have

the price advantage

the early launch

similar horse power

superior development support and tools

network effects


but to the contrary, they suffer from

inconsistent policies, and outright lies

broken promises

underwhelming console


What did you expect? Nobody outside the US and Canada must have been expected a different result, seriously!

Its prbably even simpler than that: Xbox 360 was popular because


There, I saved eveyone a but of time.

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Ka-pi96 said:
CosmicSex said:

Its prbably even simpler than that: Xbox 360 was popular because


There, I saved eveyone a but of time.

While that certainly helped it wasn't the only reason the Xbox 360 was succesful. It was just a great console and Microsoft did pretty much everything right for the first half of it's life.

Not too sure how a RROD would have faired against an affordable PS3.

Aerys said:
AZWification said:

When only one system is doing well in Japan, yup, it's over... :/

Dont worry, PS4 will save home console there :)

Let's hope, because things aren't look good at all for home consoels in Japan..

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

288k...number of the beast

The One and Only

ethomaz said:

small44 said:

Many people say it's a bad game because reviews said that

Many internet gaming forum people you say... that is why most of time the VGC councensus is totally different from real world gamers.

I was in a party with my girlfriend and her friend (that I didn't even remembered he had my PSN) was excited asking me how I had that much of Legendary gears... it wants to know how to get some to level up and so... it was really excited and loving to play the game.

He is a normal studenty that didn't know that GAF or VGC exists... he just play games without discuss it in internet forums or read reviews... he didn't even know there is a Raid in the game (he didn't know what is Raid too).

The message was addressed to those peoples,i knew reviews will have no effect on gamers i feel that review today try anything to give a game a lower score then what it deserveed

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

prinz_valium said:
wary-wallaroo said:

Why are people claiming the PS4 is overtracked? If anything, it's still being undertracked overall, but it's good to see that they've adjusted it somewhat.

by what logic? because it was undertracked in summer it has to be undertracked in fall, too?

btw. ps4 is overtracked in the us by 70k units


imho everything is possible right now. undertracked, overtracked or near spot on ( +/- 150 - 200k worldwide)

In summer?? Come on man, it's been undertracked pretty much every time we get official global numbers.

The One and Only