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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Shinen is using triple buffering for the gbuffer on Fast Racing Neo, bandwidth is not a problem

megafenix said:

i wasnt talking about mutipass with tiled textures, i was talking about tiled textures, the deffered rendering and multipass in three separate topics

1.-multipass rendeinring as the name suggests requires the use of the pipeline multiple times for one work and single pass you use it one time so obviously that means less use of the ipeline to achieve a task, in the sdk information they tell us that 1080p or 720p can be done on a single pass. I woudnt call singl pass a old feature since was implemented on directx 8 and wasnt avalable before it



2.-For the deffered rendering i just provided the article about the limitations on 360 sicne they needed 12MB gbuffer and since they didnt have it in the second article is explained that they had to use gpu parallelism and+cpu while the ps3 had to use 5spus out of the 8 that ps3 has(one spu is for the SO); doing it that way they can achieve the technique but also consumes large amount of rendering power, maybe still less than forward rendering but perfromance still wont be as good if they had enough memory bandwidth to do it the normal way. Wii U has enough bandwidth to sore triple framebuffers on 10.8MB and for the gbuffer would be about 8.64MB, with that in mind its clear that the deffered rendering on wii u will not take to much shader power as it took in last generation consoles and also will be better than using forward rendering, i wont deny that amost 9MB for the gbuffer is a lot bandwidth consumption, but seeing that triple frembuffers of 720p are just 10.8MB that still leaves edram room for other things and by trading bandwidth we can save up a lot shader power for other rendering purposes

yes is true that deffered rendering is multipass, but compared to forward rendering requires less passes, in fact only requires two passes while forward rendering would require that or more for the complex material/light combination




3.-As for the tiled textures, well, i just mentioned that sicne shinen is using 4k-8k textures and even with BC1 compression they are still to bif to fit on texture memory or in the edram its possible they devided the textures into tiles so that they could fit them in texture memory; i am not sure if they are using it or not but the first image of fast racing neo seems to tell us they are indeed using texture tiles for the terrain at least

1. Again that is multi texturing, which is a different thing.  And DirectX 8 is 14+ years old, that is ancient in the tech world.


2. Did you even read what you posted? Deferred rendering is a multi pass system. It's not the same as multi pass on a forward renderer tho. On a forward renderer you have to process each fragment per light in the scene. The problem is that for each pass you have to re-process the geometry which adds up. Deferred shading solves this issue by decoupling the geometry and the lighting to seperate passes. On the first pass of a deferred shader geometry, normals, and materials for each surface are rendered into the geometry buffer (G-buffer) as a series of textures (called Multiple Render Targets). After this, a pixel shader computes the direct and indirect lighting at each pixel using the information of the texture buffers, in screen space.

3. Ah you a confused due to the use of the word tiling. Tiled textures is an old slang term used to describe using a single repeated texture on a large surface. There are both technical and production reasons for doing this, mainly there is a limit o how big a texture the hardware can support and large high res textures take up a lot of memory. So the problem comes in when you have a very large area to cover. Then you have two options streatch a single large texture 8k X 8K is probably the max, this probably end up looking terrible and low res. The other is to use several textures on the same object. The problem with this is that using a lot of different textures is expensive on memory and processing as well as production (you have to make a lot of textures and make sure they fit together). To get around this devs will often use a single texture and just repeat it lots of times, you can see the downside of this in that screen as you get that repeated pattern. And just about every game does it.

Splitting up large textures into smaller peices can be called tile bassed texturing yes but that is a different technique altogether. AMD called it Partially Resident Textures, however MS called it Tiled Resources when they implemented it in DX11.2. id also used a software version of the technique for RAGE they called Mega Textures. The main advantage of Tiled Resources is that you bypass the technical limitations on texture size by splitting large textures into smaller chunks and loading each chunk in as needed instead of the full texture. As shown in Rage this actualy means you don't need to use repeated textures as long as you have the production capacity to create unique textures for every surface.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

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curl-6 said:
megafenix said:
curl-6 said:

What "texture memory"? Wii U doesn't have a dedicated bank of RAM for textures.

txture memory can be the texture caches on the GPU(L1 and L2 texture caches) or maybe part of the edram used as a cache(in gamecube they used 1MB os embedded 1tsram for texture cache). All modern gpus(lets start from hd400 to newer ones) have texture caches with high amount of banwidth but with limited memory storage made of sram pools offense mate, but talking to you is giving me a headache.

jjaja, dont worry, i also have had same feelings as you and even today i still learn, but as i mentioned i am still speculating here so lets not dig u to much on the topic, but i will try to ask shinen thneselves just to see if i am lucky and get an answer, as long as i dont have it maybe i should avoid the topic for a while

megafenix said:

jjaja, dont worry, i also have had same feelings as you and even today i still learn, but as i mentioned i am still speculating here so lets not dig u to much on the topic, but i will try to ask shinen thneselves just to see if i am lucky and get an answer, as long as i dont have it maybe i should avoid the topic for a while

If I were Curl, I'd be very offended by now ... 

fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:

jjaja, dont worry, i also have had same feelings as you and even today i still learn, but as i mentioned i am still speculating here so lets not dig u to much on the topic, but i will try to ask shinen thneselves just to see if i am lucky and get an answer, as long as i dont have it maybe i should avoid the topic for a while

If I were Curl, I'd be very offended by now ... 

i feel the same about you, the way you treat people is denigrating and even worse when they show you the proof under the nose and you still dont admit your mistakes

maxima64 said:

i feel the same way you treat people and even worse when you have the proof under the nose you still dont admit your mistakes

Could this be, *gasp* an alt account ? I wonder who it is ... 

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fatslob-:O said:
maxima64 said:

i feel the same way you treat people and even worse when you have the proof under the nose you still dont admit your mistakes

Could this be, *gasp* an alt account ? I wonder who it is ... 

or maybe a fried or  acquaintance, who knows

maxima64 said:

or maybe a fried or  acquaintance, who knows

Is that you hated_individual/eyeofcore ? 

I'll do whatever I want with the material so I'm not obligated to share it ... 

megafenix said:


No thanks, i appreciate the offer but i have known it for quite a while. actually have known it since the gamecube era, dont uinderstand what exactly want to teacxh me besides the name of the technique that i didnt bother to mention. And well, eventhough deffered rendering requires multipass, its only 2 passes while with forward rendering could require a lot more depending on the complexity of material and light combinations, and shader power suage is also a concern., The concept is simple, the less passes you use the less strain you put on the pipeline

No, no and no.

You are mixing up "Multi-pass".

You literally, just confused yourself and made me go:

Then you tried to rationalise it all.

You have multi-pass that myself and everyone else were talking about, then you have multi-pass texturing that YOU were talking about, that you linked to back up your argument.
Here, I'll quote yourself for you, so you can see the error in your ways. (It's in bold.)

megafenix said:

its true that multipass is an option, but multipasses put to much work on the gpu comapred to single pass


The key improvements offered by ATI’s SMARTSHADER™ technology over existing hardware vertex and pixel
shader implementations are:
• Support for up to six textures in a single rendering pass, allowing more complex effects to be achieved
without the heavy memory bandwidth requirements and severe performance impact of multi-pass

Every time a pixel passes through the rendering
pipeline, it consumes precious memory bandwidth as data is read from and written to texture
memory, the depth buffer, and the frame buffer. By decreasing the number of times each pixel on
the screen has to pass through the rendering pipeline, memory bandwidth consumption can be
reduced and the performance impact of using pixel shaders can be minimized. DirectX® 8.1 pixel
shaders allow up to six textures to be sampled and blended in a single rendering pass. This
means effects that required multiple rendering passes in earlier versions of DirectX® can now be
processed in fewer passes, and effects that were previously too slow to be useful can become
more practical to implement


THAT is "Single pass multi-texturing".
It was actually a big deal back then (That information is archaic) and was all the rage.
Go check out 3D Mark 2000 and 2001 for an example of that particular technology in action.
Here I'll link you to it:

This has reminded me why I left this forum in the first place and opted for a more literate community.

fatslob-:O said:

Consoles aren't THAT bad ... 

At least with the PS4 and X1, both are capable of doing quarter decent Global illumination such as radiosity and cascaded voxel cone tracing plus with a little more work I bet we can get realtime photon mapping on the PS4 too compared to being stuck with awful SSAO from xbox 360, PS3, and WII U.

On the brightside high end PC gamers can now enjoy the increased baseline for better graphical fidelity ... 

You're right, they're worse! :P

1080P, low levels of texture filtering, bugger-all Anti-Aliasing, crap texture resolutions, low framerates... All makes my eyes bleed, especially now that we are on the cusp of decent and cheap 4k panels, which will soon make me having a 4k eyefinity set-up possible. - Don't get me started on how expensive the games are, the multi-player pay wall, horrible controls, bad servers etc'.

I have an Xbox One and Pemalite is not impressed.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:

You're right, they're worse! :P

1080P, low levels of texture filtering, bugger-all Anti-Aliasing, crap texture resolutions, low framerates... All makes my eyes bleed, especially now that we are on the cusp of decent and cheap 4k panels, which will soon make me having a 4k eyefinity set-up possible. - Don't get me started on how expensive the games are, the multi-player pay wall, horrible controls, bad servers etc'.

I have an Xbox One and Pemalite is not impressed.

Were you ever impressed by consoles ? 

What do you consider low levels of texture filtering and crap texture resolution ? 

It could be even worse being stuck in the sub teraflop range ... 

fatslob-:O said:
Pemalite said:

You're right, they're worse! :P

1080P, low levels of texture filtering, bugger-all Anti-Aliasing, crap texture resolutions, low framerates... All makes my eyes bleed, especially now that we are on the cusp of decent and cheap 4k panels, which will soon make me having a 4k eyefinity set-up possible. - Don't get me started on how expensive the games are, the multi-player pay wall, horrible controls, bad servers etc'.

I have an Xbox One and Pemalite is not impressed.

Were you ever impressed by consoles ? 

What do you consider low levels of texture filtering and crap texture resolution ? 

It could be even worse being stuck in the sub teraflop range ... 

I personally prefer trapezoidal implemented anisotropic filtering.
Consoles typically use a variation of bilinear or trilinear filtering because it's cheap.

As for Texture resolution? More is always better, 16k is what the PC is heading towards with some texture mods looking bloody fantastic with it.
However, even if you only have moderate 4k resolution textures, if you have decent filtering they can look better than higher resolution textures.
Converesly, some games will "sprout" 16k textures but only use them sparingly like on the terrain, leaving other objects/surfaces at a lower resolution (Rage, anyone?).

However, keep in mind, I run my games higher than 1080P, I can see the flaws in games more readily than the mobile-phone, 2 decade old 1080P resolution, so better textures and better filtering is a must.

Hopefully, thanks to the Playstation 4 and mass production, the cost of high-density GDDR5 drops substantually so GPU's can blow out the VRAM counts and the industry can start to look towards 32k textures.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--