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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Crash Team Racing or Mario Kart 64?

NYANKS said:
peachbuggy said:
Can't belive people are even debating this. MK64 is one of the best games ever made and CTR is just a cheap rip-off of it. It's not even close. They are not in the same league. Surely the fact that MK Wii is on the way to selling 20m whereas there is no CTR sequel available on any current-gen console should tell you something...

CTR was made by Naughty Dog, you know, those decent developers who made Uncharted 2?  It tells you nothing that MKWii exists and a new Crash racer doesn't, as Naughty Dog no longer owns the Crash license.  Go over this thread if you want, IGN and many other reviewers, including the aggregate review sites, agree with me.  Again, no one is arguing which franchise is better, that's just lunacy......

@D21lewis - You are awesome. Thanks for the dedication to the thread pal!

That's a constant mistake people make with metastudies... no offense.

While metastudies increase reliablity it doesn't increase accuracy.

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i own ctr and think that it is an amazing game, and haven only played mario kart a bit, so i cant really be the judge. But from what i played ctr was better, and it would take alot to beat that.

18 months later I still think CTR is the better game, I want it on PSN store as soon as possible, just looking at those videos from youtube I get excited.



MK64 is definately a weak link in the series.

I haven't played CTR extensively but from what I have played I would probably rate it about the same as MK64.

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Zucas said:
Well never played Crash Team Racing so hard to say. But Mario Kart 64 I enjoyed a lot and still enjoy to day. Probably just comes down to whether you like Crash or Mario. But I have problems putting a copy over the original especially if the copy doesn't expand upon the original.

The crazy thing is that I didn't even like Crash.  I still think he's kinda lame.....but dammit if CTR wasn't the game I wanted Mario Kart 64 to be.  I played CTR with the same group of people that I played Mario Kart with.  I even bought the four player adapter just for Crash Team Racing (it wound up getting used for Quake II, though).  The game was a gem.  Only Mario Kart DS and possibly Mario Kart Wii are better.

If you are using reviews as a definitive yardstick why don't you just use sales. I am actually annoyed CTR is being mentioned in the same breath as MK64.



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

peachbuggy said:
If you are using reviews as a definitive yardstick why don't you just use sales. I am actually annoyed CTR is being mentioned in the same breath as MK64.

Me too. CTR is so much better.

diddy kong racing. was better than mario kart.

it was wacky funny and hard.