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Forums - General Discussion - Evolution is Religion. Big bang is a creed.

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Scientist don't fully understand how gravity works, therefore gravity is a religion? Graviton the elusive god particle.
Science tries to understand how the universe works. Religion gives people comfort. It's not either or.

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DonFerrari said:
tiffac said:
The evolution stuff sounds like something I can digest err... too much bill crops explanation led me to think of beef for some reason. lol!

So we only got stuck at the Big Bang Theory (not the comedy show, of course) which kinda blows since its the starting point of everything.

Oh and thank you for your time. That was an awesome of you :)

Big Bang have some natural evidence to base the thesis. Basically entrophy growth law, universe cool down and rate of dislocation of galaxies. No one could prove beyound all that it occured but for now is the closer explanation to universe beggining and accepting it we have timeline from nano seconds after big bang through today covering like 12 billion years if I'm not wrong.

So its a hunch then? or something like that :)

Both have more in common than you think. Creationism and the Big Bang both require an enormous amount of faith to accept.

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When religious or non-religious people say science and religion aren't compatible, they are completely wrong - there's no reason a person can't embrace both. The assumption that all scientists are atheists and the assumption that belief in religion precludes acceptance of science is insulting all the way around. Also, don't assume atheists always accept science: how many believe horoscopes or psychics?

science and religion are compatible as long as you enable yourself to accept changing beliefs with current knowledge. No matter what when you go back at some point you have to reach a point of creation from nothing, so it is very easy to put god there.

science provides testable prediction, and is open to rebuttal by anyone in the science community. it takes a hell of alot to get something as accepted fact. It has been built upon from a foundation of thousands who have shared and passed on learned knowledge throughout the generations and is forever being built upon. science is what has given our species the advantage is has. Evolution is one of the most tested and backed up concepts in all of science.

I find most people who try and argue against evolution have a very poor understanding of what it actually it and how it works

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

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Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

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amp316 said:
Both have more in common than you think. Creationism and the Big Bang both require an enormous amount of faith to accept.

One has overwhelming evidence, the other is written in a 2000 year old book?

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DD_Bwest said:
science and religion are compatible as long as you enable yourself to accept changing beliefs with current knowledge. No matter what when you go back at some point you have to reach a point of creation from nothing, so it is very easy to put god there.

science provides testable prediction, and is open to rebuttal by anyone in the science community. it takes a hell of alot to get something as accepted fact. It has been built upon from a foundation of thousands who have shared and passed on learned knowledge throughout the generations and is forever being built upon. science is what has given our species the advantage is has. Evolution is one of the most tested and backed up concepts in all of science.

I find most people who try and argue against evolution have a very poor understanding of what it actually it and how it works

One of the best things about the tests of evolution is that the Theory existed before the discovery of DNA, and when it was discovered scientists realised if evolution was true it would have to be written into our DNA, old coding and old fingerprints from a long lineague of speciation, and then they tested it and DNA confirmed it to a tee.

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
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Would you trust a Middle Eastern goat herder from 2000 years ago to even fix your toilet? Probably not I would think (they'd probably be so amazed by your toilet that they'd start a new religion to worship it or try to have you killed for being a magical wizard with toilet magic). Then why would you trust them to understand the nature of the universe and existence?

Even if there is some kind of cosmic entity that created some part of the universe which then branched out into other things who's to say any of the human religions have any freaking clue as to what that is, the idea that is has to be some kind of space daddy/Santa Claus that actively gives two sh*ts about what you're doing on a daily basis is very much likely a human conceit. 

tiffac said:
DonFerrari said:
tiffac said:
The evolution stuff sounds like something I can digest err... too much bill crops explanation led me to think of beef for some reason. lol!

So we only got stuck at the Big Bang Theory (not the comedy show, of course) which kinda blows since its the starting point of everything.

Oh and thank you for your time. That was an awesome of you :)

Big Bang have some natural evidence to base the thesis. Basically entrophy growth law, universe cool down and rate of dislocation of galaxies. No one could prove beyound all that it occured but for now is the closer explanation to universe beggining and accepting it we have timeline from nano seconds after big bang through today covering like 12 billion years if I'm not wrong.

So its a hunch then? or something like that :)

Not a hunch. A theory based on empirical evidence and verified through mathematical calculations. Of course all the assumptions could be wrong and with more evidence the whole theory be reffuted and we discover god, Science don't try to shelter itself or disprove god. It's just that scientific method have disproven everything in the bible everytime.

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DonFerrari said:
tiffac said:
DonFerrari said:
tiffac said:
The evolution stuff sounds like something I can digest err... too much bill crops explanation led me to think of beef for some reason. lol!

So we only got stuck at the Big Bang Theory (not the comedy show, of course) which kinda blows since its the starting point of everything.

Oh and thank you for your time. That was an awesome of you :)

Big Bang have some natural evidence to base the thesis. Basically entrophy growth law, universe cool down and rate of dislocation of galaxies. No one could prove beyound all that it occured but for now is the closer explanation to universe beggining and accepting it we have timeline from nano seconds after big bang through today covering like 12 billion years if I'm not wrong.

So its a hunch then? or something like that :)

Not a hunch. A theory based on empirical evidence and verified through mathematical calculations. Of course all the assumptions could be wrong and with more evidence the whole theory be reffuted and we discover god, Science don't try to shelter itself or disprove god. It's just that scientific method have disproven everything in the bible everytime.

But that's kinda like the same thing, not sure but its there, so it has to be. A hunch. It doesn't need to be bad, I mean hunches are sometimes close to the truth than we think. So its cool~

Kinda like...

Okay too much of this show is maybe bad for my health lol!