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Forums - General Discussion - Evolution is Religion. Big bang is a creed.

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Science says in the beginning the big bang created everything.

What created the matter from the big bang?

Science does not know.

Science says life appeared in Earth and then evolved.

How did it appeared?

Science does not know for sure.

Christianity says  in the beginning God created everything.

What created God?

Religion does not know.


Christianity says life was created by God.

How was it created?

Religion does not know for sure.


But one of those makes people feel very smart and important, like they do not depend on anyone but themselves.

The other make them feel humble, like we can do not without the strenght of God, and should devote our lives to love Him and make Him happy.

I love being a Christian. I just love it.

I cannot really explain, it just feels so good.

Science people love science.

They just love it. It makes them feel so good...

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

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If it helps you sleep at night I guess.

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:
If it helps you sleep at night I guess.

Thank you so much!

Oh... wait... You are being mean again, aren´t you? Not cool...

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

My favorite part about science is that if you can actually disprove the Big Bang Theory it'll change the general consensus of what's thought to have happened at the beginning of the universe. It's actively being worked on right now in theoretical physicists labs, and giant particle accelerators. This is why I don't agree with the idea that a scientific theory is the same as a religious creed, because no amount of logic or experimental evidence can ever rewrite religious doctrine, but science is constantly changing.


Science is a methodology for analyzing the observable universe, football is a religion.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

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zarx said:
Science is a methodology for analyzing the observable universe, football is a religion.

Not really. why no scientist tests the Great Flood event as a valid hypothesis? It explains so much if you aply it to the world.

Science research all possibilities that EXCLUDE God and whatever is in the bible from the equation. to me this is a very combative and evil way to act and think.

To be fair, science should at least test the possibilites that the Earth is young and not old. That fossiles were created in the Flood.

That most of the dinossaurs and the megafauna are the "abomination of all flesh" mentioned in Genesis and Jasher, when men created animal hybrids with the help of fallen angels.

Just test it at least.

Maybe petrol, fossiles and even diamonds don´t need millions of years to form, just enough pressure for a little time, like a Great Flood event.

Give God a fair chance at least.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

God exist...because man created God. Reality is how the world is percieved by the individual. If an idea or belief is pounded into your enough and especially at an early age you'll believe it to be fact.

WagnerPaiva said:
zarx said:
Science is a methodology for analyzing the observable universe, football is a religion.

Not really. why no scientist tests the Great Flood event as a valid hypothesis? It explains so much if you aply it to the world.

Science research all possibilities that EXCLUDE God and whatever is in the bible from the equation. to me this is a very combative and evil way to act and think.

To be fair, science should at least test the possibilites that the Earth is young and not old. That fossiles were created in the Flood.

That most of the dinossaurs and the megafauna are the "abomination of all flesh" mentioned in Genesis and Jasher, when men created animal hybrids with the help of fallen angels.

Just test it at least.

Maybe petrol, fossiles and even diamonds don´t need millions of years to form, just enough pressure for a little time, like a Great Flood event.

Give God a fair chance at least.

If that were the case Dinosaur and Human remains would be found in the same layers of earth...but they aren't.

FIT_Gamer said:

Maybe petrol, fossiles and even diamonds don´t need millions of years to form, just enough pressure for a little time, like a Great Flood event.

Give God a fair chance at least.

If that were the case Dinosaur and Human remains would be found in the same layers of earth...but they aren't.

Well, I will play your game cause it is a nice excuse to tell you the Gospel. God exists, created the Earth and love us so much, even you. Lucifer, the fallen angels freaking hate us, envy us and wants to be God. So he caused our fall at the Eden. After that 200 fallen angels decend into Earth and mate with women, creating nephilin, or giants. 

These abominations were not from God, so when they die, their spirits become demons that torment mankind.

At that same time the nephilin and demons helped men to create disgustin animal hybrids, which gave us the chimeras, minotaurs and the carnivore megabeasts we calle the carnosaurs (like the T-Rex).

All these creatures were not from God, so their spirits also became demons. 

All was bad to mankind till Jesus Christ came and gave himslef as a ramson for men sin, which gave us the hope of salvation for ever and ever and humiliated the devil through rightneous.

Now the signs of times (Matthew 24) are upon us and devil is giving his all to drive everyone he can to doom. He is creating as many delusions ans lies as he can cause he know the time is so freaking short.

The good news: Repent, love God and trust Jesus Christ, and you will have eternal life with eternal happyness and safety.

Now, your question:

First of all, humans stayed as far away from these creatures as they could. 

Second: fossiles are super rare, it is not like that all that ever lived becomes a fossil. You need a Great Flood to create a bunch of them.

Third: There is a agenda to supress all evidence that validates God and the Bible. Even giants bones are hunted down and supressed so people do not add two plus two and realize what Genesis 6 and the Holy Wars of Moses were all about.

Fourth: The biggest, really, the only, weapon of evil is LIES. They will do whatever it takes to make a plausible narrative that takes God from the picture. 

Heck, that is why psichology and psychiatry were created: so never anyone would even think abou demon possession.

There is a conspiracy to drive people to damnation, cause the time is very very short. Evil already lost, he just wants to take as many as he can with him.

It is a 7 thousand years story, not a billions of years story. And it is getting to the awesome climax. So son now, at the door! 

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

WagnerPaiva said:
zarx said:
Science is a methodology for analyzing the observable universe, football is a religion.

Not really. why no scientist tests the Great Flood event as a valid hypothesis? It explains so much if you aply it to the world.

Science research all possibilities that EXCLUDE God and whatever is in the bible from the equation. to me this is a very combative and evil way to act and think.

To be fair, science should at least test the possibilites that the Earth is young and not old. That fossiles were created in the Flood.

That most of the dinossaurs and the megafauna are the "abomination of all flesh" mentioned in Genesis and Jasher, when men created animal hybrids with the help of fallen angels.

Just test it at least.

Maybe petrol, fossiles and even diamonds don´t need millions of years to form, just enough pressure for a little time, like a Great Flood event.

Give God a fair chance at least.

Science requires that you do not "assume" anything. First and foremost, you look at the evidence. Based on the evidence, you formulate a theory. You do not start with the answer. You build the answer based on what is observed. 

A picture to clarify:

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