WagnerPaiva said:
Not really. why no scientist tests the Great Flood event as a valid hypothesis? It explains so much if you aply it to the world. Science research all possibilities that EXCLUDE God and whatever is in the bible from the equation. to me this is a very combative and evil way to act and think. To be fair, science should at least test the possibilites that the Earth is young and not old. That fossiles were created in the Flood. That most of the dinossaurs and the megafauna are the "abomination of all flesh" mentioned in Genesis and Jasher, when men created animal hybrids with the help of fallen angels. Just test it at least. Maybe petrol, fossiles and even diamonds don´t need millions of years to form, just enough pressure for a little time, like a Great Flood event. Give God a fair chance at least. |
Science requires that you do not "assume" anything. First and foremost, you look at the evidence. Based on the evidence, you formulate a theory. You do not start with the answer. You build the answer based on what is observed.
A picture to clarify:
4 ≈ One