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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Project Cars delayed till 2015

Well I assumed that they would take more time. The cosole versions were a little rocky in terms of performance and the Xbox One version was struggling with resolution that was below the target. I don't know how big the team is but I think they need help managing each version. It would be nice to see the Wii U version launch with the others.

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Delayed to the Wiiu launch no doubt


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

That's okay for Wii U gamers.

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


I wonder if this will push the Wii U version even later?

That's a shame. Looks like it's Driveclub or nothing on the racing front for me this year.

Beginning of next year is unbelievably stacked. Should lead to great hardware sales though

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On the up-side, if this means that the other versions are released simultaneously with the WiiU version, we'll finally have a game that's comparable on even ground, without the need for excuses .

Doesn't surprise me in the least. If you thought Driveclub was just all pretty graphics and no substance... Project Cars is already doomed.

Oh well

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine

Expected... It really didn't make any sense to begin with how or why the would want to release in the same window with FH2, DC and the crew..... too many racing games in too short a time. I think they would do better for their IP if they released around april or may.

Thank you Wii U :-/

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!