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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - US Brawl Version Voices (Sound Test)

Second video added to the opening post featuring Pokemon Trainer, Marth, Jigglypuff, Sonic and Snake.

Around the Network

Will the UK get different voice actors? I mean they will likely be including French/Spanish/German/Italian on the same PAL disc right? but will the English voices be the same as on the NTSC disc?

I don't see why US and UK would get different voices. Your's might be the smae as ours. But it might not be.

The European version of Melee had different menu text for the different languages, as well as different announcer clips for the non-English names of some characters like Jigglypuff. I don't think there will be different taunts etc for every language in Brawl, even thought it would be pretty cool.

I betcha he got his copy from Sears.

Around the Network

Who hired the 4kids actor for Falco (sounds like Joey from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Dub)? Why did PKMN Trainer's voice sound so different? it seems too edgy (Maybe they were trying to recreate ash's but couldn't get the actor? Sonic's voice reminds me of 4kid's undying hatred. At least he's using some old-style quotes though (Sonic's my name, speed's my game").

Nintendo sucks when it comes to voice production. My opinion..

Wii Code: 4819-7684-2396-4558

Japanese voices are the best and American voices are not too good.

Well first of all the video was selective about which ones and also it's just a fighting game and VO isn't all that important VO in fighting games often is pretty cheesy and it seemed fine to me and with music and action I doubt most will care and those who do are just being nit picky.

Ryudo, punctuation exists! I get your point, but you are going to hear these voices every time you play, annoying people with Kirby's "Hiiiiii" became commonplace in Melee.

Anyway, Two videos of Snake Codecs added to the opening post.