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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Illuminati Confirmed



I believe it. 109 45.80%
Conspiracy crap! 128 53.78%
Cleary397 said:
Nintentacle said:
NightDragon83 said:
This illuminati stuff is funny... I can only imagine all the King Kong imagery and a myriad of other films and images if it was the Empire State Building that was hit instead of the WTC.

Wait, so this is a coincidence?


This has been debunked many many times. JFK never said this.

7 days before his assassination he was giving a speech to the American Federation of Labour regarding the high unemployment rates and talks of tax reductions and so on.

You can educate yourself further here:


In future, please dont spout conspiracy bullsh*t without proper research.

Yeah, I just figured that out. You should do some proper reaseach regarding 9/11, though.

Around the Network
Nintentacle said:
ExplodingBlock said:
Nintentacle said:
AshKetchum1992 said:
Are there really people who believe in the Illuminati?


Now look up "Family Guy predictive programming".

Family Guy Illuminati Confirmed?

Look for it.


Teeqoz said:
I bet there's not a whole lot of people here that are aware of the fact that Illuminati was really just an organisation who's goal was to spread knowledge to the world. That's why they're called Illuminati, it basically means 'Enlighten'. The only reason people think they have something to do with the devil is because the church condemned them and claimed that they were devil worshippers (Y'know, because church hates science, especially 17th and 18th century church). And ofcourse conspiracy theorists gobbled it all up, and exagarated it until it became what it 'is' today.

I'm not sure about that, they have Baphomet symbolism. Either way, they are/were crazy.

Nintentacle said:
Teeqoz said:
I bet there's not a whole lot of people here that are aware of the fact that Illuminati was really just an organisation who's goal was to spread knowledge to the world. That's why they're called Illuminati, it basically means 'Enlighten'. The only reason people think they have something to do with the devil is because the church condemned them and claimed that they were devil worshippers (Y'know, because church hates science, especially 17th and 18th century church). And ofcourse conspiracy theorists gobbled it all up, and exagarated it until it became what it 'is' today.

I'm not sure about that, they have Baphomet symbolism. Either way, they are/were crazy.

I'd never heard of Baphomet before this, but a quick google got me this (from wikipedia):

"Since 1856, the name Baphomet has been associated with a "Sabbatic Goat" image drawn by Eliphas Levi[3] which contains binary elements representing the "sum total of the universe" (e.g. male and female, good and evil, etc.).[4] However, Baphomet has been connected withSatanism as well, primarily due to the adoption of it as a symbol by the Church of Satan.[5]"

Seems to me that the Baphomet was a symbol that had nothing to do with Satan, until the Church of Satan (a bunch of Psycos) adopted it, which happened after 1966, since the church of Satan didn't exist before that. Just another example of a symbol that was twisted out of it's original meaning, similar to the Swastika, which, before Hitler used it in his nazi flag, was a symbol of peace.

Also, can you show me what ties Baphomet to Illuminati?

And what is that picture of that rock there? Who wrote that? The Illuminati?

Two things:
-For every single "predictive" thing posted, there has likely been hundreds of forgotten things that didn't happen. There is enough media in this world to predict almost everything. Just think about how many times something that was going to be in a show's script had to be ripped out due to similarities so some real world occurrence. Life imitates art imitates life imitates art...

-What exactly would the illuminati have to gain by parading their dominion around in Ducktales comics and Family Guy episodes? Why would such a fiercely protected secret society childishly emblazon their trademarks in so much media? Some of these examples are just silly...

Around the Network
Cleary397 said:

You're so right.

I garuntee he did not listen to the audio provided, or follow the transcript. He posted a reply 14 minutes after i supplied it to him, and given that the speech is 25 minutes long its impossible for him to actually have listened and analysed the evidence.

But then again.... the illuminati are real! its a conspiracy because a guy on youtube says so!!


sigh... that you actually have no idea that he did make a speech about secrecy even though you claimed to have looked into this is depressing


here you go:


"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."


those were the words of kennedy before he was assassinated

and i'd liketo draw attention to this portion "that relies primarily on covert means"

this process is not direct and overt it is subtle and that's part of the reason why people find it so easy to dismiss it so easily

how about unown!!! LOL

all these illuminati stuff is funny....


Nintentacle said:

Kind of?

Everything except the three first lines seems perfectly fine to me.

EDIT: ok, lines 7-9 are kinda iffy as well.

sundin13 said:
Two things:
-For every single "predictive" thing posted, there has likely been hundreds of forgotten things that didn't happen. There is enough media in this world to predict almost everything. Just think about how many times something that was going to be in a show's script had to be ripped out due to similarities so some real world occurrence. Life imitates art imitates life imitates art...

-What exactly would the illuminati have to gain by parading their dominion around in Ducktales comics and Family Guy episodes? Why would such a fiercely protected secret society childishly emblazon their trademarks in so much media? Some of these examples are just silly...

i personally didn't mean to imply that i thought that the notion that they announce plans is validated because of any occurance of coincidences like associated symbols popping up in various media

honestly i generally just think of these as coincidences

however, with regards to the duck tales comic i'm neither here nor there completely

because the symbology goes so deep that i find it hard to conclude completely that its merely coincidence


this is not only because of the towers falling but what caused them to fall in the comics

the cube with an S on it can be considered to be representative of the cube of saturn/metatron's cube (this is associated with masonry )

this also links back to the memorials they built shown below


another page of the comic is shown below ( observe the panel in the middle and compare it to the 911 memorial...


now again yes i concede this could all be coincidence but i'm finding it harder and harder to just dismiss this one

o_O.Q said:
Cleary397 said:

You're so right.

I garuntee he did not listen to the audio provided, or follow the transcript. He posted a reply 14 minutes after i supplied it to him, and given that the speech is 25 minutes long its impossible for him to actually have listened and analysed the evidence.

But then again.... the illuminati are real! its a conspiracy because a guy on youtube says so!!


sigh... that you actually have no idea that he did make a speech about secrecy even though you claimed to have looked into this is depressing


here you go:


"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."


those were the words of kennedy before he was assassinated

and i'd liketo draw attention to this portion "that relies primarily on covert means"

this process is not direct and overt it is subtle and that's part of the reason why people find it so easy to dismiss it so easily

Can you provide the date and location of this speech given?

I like to verify evidence as best as i can.


Edit: Verified myself, the speech you provided was given on April 27th 1961. NOT "Weeks" before he was assassinated.

This is a classic case of misrepresenting evidence to make it fit a pre-concieved idea/conspiracy. 


Further edit: Lets now consider what the real meaning of the speech was by examining what was going on in the world around 1961...

hmm... the cold war seems a pretty big deal to the americans. Maybe they were worried about russian spies and espionage.

Thus the reason for this quote you were adamant to point out - "that relies primarily on covert means".


Maybe you should take a step back from your illuminati conspiracy and examine the evidence and come to a logical conclusion, instead of jamming a square in to a round hole.

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