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Forums - Sales Discussion - Can Xbox One Outsell Wii U as Soon as November??

Dark_Feanor said:
Normchacho said:

Of course it will, but how many of those 9 weeks will it not outsell the WiiU by 184k units? Because remember that it doesn't just need to sell 184K units, it needs to outsell the WiiU by 184K units.

The week of 10/04 is the only week in October where it even has a shot of outselling the WiiU by 184k and it's still not a certainty. By the time November hits it will be way, way off of hitting it's average which will just bump the average it needs to hit in November.

Now, the Xbox One has COD and the MCC in November which will help sales but it won't be enough.

Do you know that were weeks in November that the 360 sold more than 900k units and in the best years sold more than 1M?

The 360, last sold 622k vs 299k of WiiU, during the Black Friday Week.

And that was among the PS4 and XOne launch frenzy.

* Acording to VGChartz old number.

And? What about in it's first full holiday? That's a trick question, let me tell you how it did.

The 360 between 9/30/2006 and 12/2/2006 sold 1.513 million units. Not enough to close the gap the One has with the WiiU. 

I'll also point out that the 360 in 2006 has been tracking well ahead of the Xbox One in 2014.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

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Normchacho said:
There is a gap of 1,651,742 according to VGC as of 09/27/14. There are 9 weeks until the end of November. The Xbox One would have to outsell the WiiU by 183,527 consoles EACH WEEK to pass it by the end of November.

To give you an idea of what a daunting task that is, the Xbox One hasn't even sold 183,527 consoles in a week this year. Not even Destiny week. Now it needs to outsell the WiiU by that much every week for the next 9 weeks? I don't even need to talk about what's coming out for the WiiU or how it will sell.

Not a snowballs chance in hell.

GTFO of here with your brilliant logic and facts. This is a toastboy thread. Whats wrong with you?

Normchacho said:

And? What about in it's first full holiday? That's a trick question, let me tell you how it did.

The 360 between 9/30/2006 and 12/2/2006 sold 1.513 million units. Not enough to close the gap the One has with the WiiU. 

I'll also point out that the 360 in 2006 has been tracking well ahead of the Xbox One in 2014.

So, lets ignore everything that happened in the last 4 years and focus on how things where 8 years ago, when the 360 was put against the Wii and PS3 launch AND there was the shadow of the RRoD?

For that logic one have to belive that the iPhone 6 will sell only 10mi units LTD.

Dark_Feanor said:
Normchacho said:

Of course it will, but how many of those 9 weeks will it not outsell the WiiU by 184k units? Because remember that it doesn't just need to sell 184K units, it needs to outsell the WiiU by 184K units.

The week of 10/04 is the only week in October where it even has a shot of outselling the WiiU by 184k and it's still not a certainty. By the time November hits it will be way, way off of hitting it's average which will just bump the average it needs to hit in November.

Now, the Xbox One has COD and the MCC in November which will help sales but it won't be enough.

Do you know that were weeks in November that the 360 sold more than 900k units and in the best years sold more than 1M?

The 360, last sold 622k vs 299k of WiiU, during the Black Friday Week.

And that was among the PS4 and XOne launch frenzy.

* Acording to VGChartz old number.

Hey feanor I don't think you understand how outselling by 180k works.

As it stands for the 9 weeks the XB1 has to outsell the wiiU by 180k/week. So if the wiiU sells 60k, the XB1 has to sell 240k. 

Every week that the XB1 doesn't outsell the wiiU by 180k, the difference for that wek gets added to the overall outsell total, so it means for another week it has to outsell the wiiU by maybe 200k to make up for the week it outsold it by only 160k.

So lets say Black friday week the XB1 sells 1m and the wiiU sells 700k, that still only covers just under 2 weeks of the 9 in question.

Dark_Feanor said:
Normchacho said:

And? What about in it's first full holiday? That's a trick question, let me tell you how it did.

The 360 between 9/30/2006 and 12/2/2006 sold 1.513 million units. Not enough to close the gap the One has with the WiiU. 

I'll also point out that the 360 in 2006 has been tracking well ahead of the Xbox One in 2014.

So, lets ignore everything that happened in the last 4 years and focus on how things where 8 years ago, when the 360 was put against the Wii and PS3 launch AND there was the shadow of the RRoD?

For that logic one have to belive that the iPhone 6 will sell only 10mi units LTD.

You don't need to ignore everything. Just look at current trends. At the current rate the XB1 will need around 18 weeks to outsell the wiiU and around 27 weeks to outsell it by 1M units. You can't look at one console selling well and somehow assume the other will not sell at all. And if the XB1 keep outselling the wiiU by as much as it is, even when you factor in the respective holiday boosts for nboth platforms, we still are looking at "at most" 18 weeks. Less if the XB1 has a really good season... but definately not under 9 weeks.

Around the Network
Intrinsic said:

Hey feanor I don't think you understand how outselling by 180k works.

As it stands for the 9 weeks the XB1 has to outsell the wiiU by 180k/week. So if the wiiU sells 60k, the XB1 has to sell 240k. 

Every week that the XB1 doesn't outsell the wiiU by 180k, the difference for that wek gets added to the overall outsell total, so it means for another week it has to outsell the wiiU by maybe 200k to make up for the week it outsold it by only 160k.

So lets say Black friday week the XB1 sells 1m and the wiiU sells 700k, that still only covers just under 2 weeks of the 9 in question.


Acording to VGChartz, last year the WiiU sold about 720k units from the beginig of Octuber untill the and of November.

At black fiday week it sold only 230k against 600k 360s and 450k XOnes. This was the best mark for the WiiU in the whole hollydays.

I don´t think the XOne would get much close to 1mi in a single week. But I can easily belive it will reach 800k on black friday week, and I can´t see the WiiU doing any better than last year.

*If we trust the current VGChartz numbers.

Dark_Feanor said:
Normchacho said:

And? What about in it's first full holiday? That's a trick question, let me tell you how it did.

The 360 between 9/30/2006 and 12/2/2006 sold 1.513 million units. Not enough to close the gap the One has with the WiiU. 

I'll also point out that the 360 in 2006 has been tracking well ahead of the Xbox One in 2014.

So, lets ignore everything that happened in the last 4 years and focus on how things where 8 years ago, when the 360 was put against the Wii and PS3 launch AND there was the shadow of the RRoD?

For that logic one have to belive that the iPhone 6 will sell only 10mi units LTD.


I see you missed the part where I said the 360 in 2006 has been selling better than the Xbox One has been this year.


Normally I'd tell you about how far a console is into its life effects it's performance and that's why comparing consoles at the same point In the lifecycle makes the most sense. 


But I'm eating and then I need to take a test. When I get home I'll be more than happy to go over it with you. Assuming nobody beats me to it.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Dark_Feanor said:
Intrinsic said:

Hey feanor I don't think you understand how outselling by 180k works.

As it stands for the 9 weeks the XB1 has to outsell the wiiU by 180k/week. So if the wiiU sells 60k, the XB1 has to sell 240k. 

Every week that the XB1 doesn't outsell the wiiU by 180k, the difference for that wek gets added to the overall outsell total, so it means for another week it has to outsell the wiiU by maybe 200k to make up for the week it outsold it by only 160k.

So lets say Black friday week the XB1 sells 1m and the wiiU sells 700k, that still only covers just under 2 weeks of the 9 in question.


Acording to VGChartz, last year the WiiU sold about 720k units from the beginig of Octuber untill the and of November.

At black fiday week it sold only 230k against 600k 360s and 450k XOnes. This was the best mark for the WiiU in the whole hollydays.

I don´t think the XOne would get much close to 1mi in a single week. But I can easily belive it will reach 800k on black friday week, and I can´t see the WiiU doing any better than last year.

*If we trust the current VGChartz numbers.

WiiU this November, right before Black Friday it will have Smash Bros. release and on Black Friday it will launch the Amiibos.

Last year what did they have during that week?

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Also needing to be mentioned is that yes, the XBox One sold 450k last Black Friday, but it also only just released just 1 week prior, so it was still basically within it's initial launch week rush. It launched Nov. 22nd. Black Friday was on the 29th


Edit - According to VGC the XBox One sold 317k the week ending Nov. 30th in the US, not 450k. Where did you find that number?

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Euphoria14 said:

Also needing to be mentioned is that yes, the XBox One sold 450k last Black Friday, but it also only just released just 1 week prior, so it was still basically within it's initial launch week rush. It launched Nov. 22nd. Black Friday was on the 29th.

And the 360 did 600k and the PS3 450K...

Do you think the 9 and 8 years old consoles still have any apeal this year? 

Also the XOne is $100 cheaper on most cases and is in more 20% WW markets plus China this year.

I give you that with SSB and Amiibio the WiiU could do a little better this year, but can´t do anything near what PS4 and XOne will pull with the big multplat.

Edit - for your Edit, I was always talking about Global numbers