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Normchacho said:
There is a gap of 1,651,742 according to VGC as of 09/27/14. There are 9 weeks until the end of November. The Xbox One would have to outsell the WiiU by 183,527 consoles EACH WEEK to pass it by the end of November.

To give you an idea of what a daunting task that is, the Xbox One hasn't even sold 183,527 consoles in a week this year. Not even Destiny week. Now it needs to outsell the WiiU by that much every week for the next 9 weeks? I don't even need to talk about what's coming out for the WiiU or how it will sell.

Not a snowballs chance in hell.

GTFO of here with your brilliant logic and facts. This is a toastboy thread. Whats wrong with you?