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Forums - Website Topics - The Mod Team: Questions, Comments, Concerns? Ask Here!

Seece said:
@ Starcraft - Oh right?

@ Cone - He probably isn't comfortable talking with other mods about his opinions on the matter, I imagine there has to be some circles of friends within the mod team??

I've shared pretty much everything with Smeags through PMs and I have posted many of the problems I have with the system in this thread and the old thread.

A quick, very brief summary would be;

No site leadership.
No real, active mod leadership since ~July.
Not enough good, active moderators.
Broken moderator tool set.
Rule set (and progressive system) that simply doesnt work for 2014 and onwards.

Basically things need to change. There are clear reasons why we get so many trivial complaints, why so many people decide to up sticks and move to other forums and why there is so much inconsistency when it comes to day-to-day moderation.


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The mod team does indeed need more active members. It's not fun having to go a whole weekend without any sort of reply from another moderator for example.

This is something which I've mentioned countless times and it does seem like things are moving in the right direction, so it's all a matter of time (and hopefully it will be done quickly the more I and others complain about it! )


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Carl2291 said:
Seece said:
@ Starcraft - Oh right?

@ Cone - He probably isn't comfortable talking with other mods about his opinions on the matter, I imagine there has to be some circles of friends within the mod team??

I've shared pretty much everything with Smeags through PMs and I have posted many of the problems I have with the system in this thread and the old thread.

A quick, very brief summary would be;

No site leadership.
No real, active mod leadership since ~July.
Not enough good, active moderators.
Broken moderator tool set.
Rule set (and progressive system) that simply doesnt work for 2014 and onwards.

Basically things need to change. There are clear reasons why we get so many trivial complaints, why so many people decide to up sticks and move to other forums and why there is so much inconsistency when it comes to day-to-day moderation.

It'd be hard to argue with any of that.

I will say Smeags does well, given he doesn't have half the tools he needs to do his job!

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Shinobi-san said:
starcraft said:

Some of that post I agree with, other parts my opinion diverges! Clearly wires were crossed.

But it will have to wait, as I am also about to head out to watch Interstellar

Nice! How did you find it ? :D

Hi Shinobi.

Sorry for the delay, life got a bit hectic! Interstellar was amazing. I can see why people love it or hate it, but I am definitely in the love camp. I didn't mind the whole "love is our discerning ability to catalogue and navigate the infinity of time and space thing, but I can see why others thought it was a cop out.

For reference I am responding to this post:

Having come back after a few days and re-read, I can see where you're coming from with my post. My intent was to ask Kitler to clarify his goals with the thread. However read in isolation, I can see why you (and potentially others) might have seen it as saying more than it did. So for that I apologize. I am not sure what Kitler thinks, I haven't heard from him.

On the thread in general - I don't like reaction threads. I agree with those who have said the original threads (many of which I still haven't seen) were likely unnecessary as well. I also think you're being a little kind to Kitler's thread. Whilst there were some people having relevant discussion, a lot of the conversation was, frankly, drivel (even if that in itself is not something to moderate). I do think these threads are even more likely to be coloured with a bad rap if the OP is someone with a known console allegience. Imagine for example, if I had made a similar thread about PS4 sales (or PS3 sales a few years ago). People would have struggled to take my intent seriously.

On the locking - I think Cone has pretty extensively explained his reasoning (see my wall for a very drunk Ethomaz criticising me for locking the thread - it was quite amusing). For my part, the post that cause great offense to a few users was enough alone to lock a thread that was no longer particularly productive - but clearly there were some other reasons as well. I think the truth is somewhere between our versions. Without that post maybe the thread shouldn't have been locked...but it was hardly high quality either. These reactive threads rarely are (there are exceptions).

Mods - I think a lot of this comes down to trust in the head mod. I for one would never delete a report against me without running it past Smeags. Even if I did, Smeags can see reports that are deleted. Basically for a rogue mod to go nuts and get away with it, half the mod team would have to be in cohoots - at which point the site would already be a lost cause regardless!

I hope I've answered some of your concerns! Cheers.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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It sure is nice getting a foot massage and I love eggs for breakfast. This may or may not be the original post I intended to make.


-User was flogged, keelhauled, tar & feathered, beaten and bruised and lastly; forced to listen to Taylor Swift for this post-


passportlicense20 said:

It sure is nice getting a foot massage and I love eggs for breakfast. This may or may not be the original post I intended to make.


-User was flogged, keelhauled, tar & feathered, beaten and bruised and lastly; forced to listen to Taylor Swift for this post-


Hey! I love Taylor Swift!

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


Sitting and waiting for this "mod team problem" to resolve itself isn't gonna work, you guys need to take a bit of action.
Say for example, what purpose do inactive mods serve? A mod is supposed to be an active/semi-active forum-goer who enforces the rules, not a higher ranked user. Whenever I check a banned user's wall it's usually a ban note from the same few mods that I see.
There are many down-to-earth forum goers that would most likely make good mods, why not make them mods?
I realize that some of the mods are site veterans, thus it's easier to trust them, but if they're not logging on much then why continue being mods in the first place?
No offense to those in question of course.

MohammadBadir said:
Sitting and waiting for this "mod team problem" to resolve itself isn't gonna work, you guys need to take a bit of action.
Say for example, what purpose do inactive mods serve? A mod is supposed to be an active/semi-active forum-goer who enforces the rules, not a higher ranked user. Whenever I check a banned user's wall it's usually a ban note from the same few mods that I see.
There are many down-to-earth forum goers that would most likely make good mods, why not make them mods?
I realize that some of the mods are site veterans, thus it's easier to trust them, but if they're not logging on much then why continue being mods in the first place?
No offense to those in question of course.

I agree; particularly with the bolded. It's something I've been pushing for what seems like forever (probably July at least) but as I said it seems like things are moving on now. Can't say anymore than that now ofcourse, but if you or anyone else have any suggestions on how to improve the mod team then do just say, that's what the thread is for after all!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Guess all that's left on our ends is waiting.