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Shinobi-san said:
Carl2291 said:
Shinobi-san said:

Carl this is what the thread was locked for as said by Cone. I think you guys are missing the point here...

I know.

Im telling you what *I* would have done or suggested if I was around.

Yeah had the thread been locked for the content of OP then i would not have even raised anything here...

But would you? Your initial complaint was due to the lack of consistancy, was it not? 

I'm more than happy to move on now it seems like things have been cleared up, however.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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RolStoppable said:

I have something to say regarding company PR threads. The nature of PR is that companies will say the stupidest things with a straight face in order to make a dire situation look good. Usually, the worse a company is doing with something (consoles, games, consumer relationships), the more ridiculous the PR gets. At that point it isn't any different than a regular thread of a delusional VGC member, it's basically just asking for flawed logic to be brought to its end and mocked harshly. Now there are basically three ways for the moderators to deal with such threads:

1. Ignore them. That's not really an option if you expect any respect though.
2. Moderate responding users for their actions. Means that such threads are essentially death traps.
3. Let mockery of the content slide.

Here's an example. Reggie talks about the length of the lifecycle of the Wii U and pulls some standard PR lines.

Then comes this and this:

Two instances of a joke/mockery that got moderated for implying that the Wii U is out of potential. Now read through the thread while you keep that standard for moderations in mind. At the time of writing this post, that's about another eight moderations that would be due. Do you want to go through with that?

Your point is valid, however iceland was only recently moderated for downplaying Nintendo. In his case i followed through because of that, then with Burek it was because it was reported. The others were not reported, so i did not see them.

I shall roll back Burek, but iceland will remain.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Conegamer said:
Shinobi-san said:
Just in case you guys think im off point:

Starcraft said this: "As you're now aware, the thread was eventually locked because of other comments." Star is talking about ONE comment, the gay comment made by Don.

Cone said this: "The difference is that; whilst both threads had "questionable" topic titles, this one also had completely needless and off-topic posting which was inappropriate, which helped the opinion on locking it." The post in question was the comment made by Don.

"The posts which were most troublesome were ones like this." Troublesome posts meaning the post by Don. A link to the post by Cone.

And finally the actual thread lock note: "This thread has got very strange very fast. Not only that but I echo Starcraft's thoughts that this thread really isn't necessary, and looking at the posts so far...Probably best for everyone if we just lock it and move on; but making such "jokes" about the mod team ain't going to fly anywhere. So just be aware of that." Again the main issue being Don's post.

This thread was left open for over 24 hours, with perfectly fine conversation. Clearly the posters didnt agree that it was a bait thread, given the decent discussion. After Dons post it then gets locked, with references made to that particular post as the reason. Had he not made the post the thread would have been left alone. If discussion stayed as is, which after over 200 posts it was fine, i dont see it going anywhere bad.

Cone you particularly said that was the reason for the lock. Now you are saying the thread would have been locked regardless? If that is the case why didnt you say that earlier...then it wouldnt have been necessary to continue this...

Yeah the locking post was done as a spur of the moment thing due to the way things were going but the thread would have been locked regardless, yes. The post was the first time I saw the thread and checking the OP, and then the most recent posts, yeah it wasn't looking good. 

One post was one post :/

There are over 200 perfectly fine posts in the thread though. Have you read it?

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

Conegamer said:
Shinobi-san said:
Carl2291 said:
Shinobi-san said:

Carl this is what the thread was locked for as said by Cone. I think you guys are missing the point here...

I know.

Im telling you what *I* would have done or suggested if I was around.

Yeah had the thread been locked for the content of OP then i would not have even raised anything here...

But would you? Your initial complaint was due to the lack of consistancy, was it not? 

I'm more than happy to move on now it seems like things have been cleared up, however.

No i wouldnt. Like i said in my response to Star, i might not agree with you guys about it being a bait thread or different to Seece's but im not going to argue over that. People have a different opinion all the time. And i dont expect to come in here and change peoples minds, that never happens.

When i talk about consistancy its to do with the fact that Kitlers thread was locked because of POSTS in the thread. In Seece's case there was also bad POSTS in the thread yet the posts got moderated. Maybe i havent made this point clear enough. My bad. Il just drop it...doesnt seem like we getting anywhere, sorry if i wasnt clear guys.

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

Seece said:
Shiboi are you not bored of this topic by now? lol I'd like to see a response to Rol's post.

Bored? I dont really post out of boredom. I actually felt it was an important point to raise. But it seems everyone here thinks my issue is with the thread OP's ie.  your thread OP versus Kitlers. Its not about that, but i prob failed to explain that properly.

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

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RolStoppable said:

How did iceland downplay Nintendo? You aren't talking about Splatoon being a generic CoD shooter, are you?

For clarification regarding my moderation of him, iceland was given a warning for about 3/4 posts regarding Splatoon and the reaction he caused among other users in the thread and in reports.

Not just for saying Splatoon was a CoD clone. That was just the post where I planted the mod note because it was his last in the thread.


RolStoppable said:

But the posts and reactions in the thread were all funny as far as I remember. Don't tell me that a bunch of users throwing a fit is going to lead to a moderation no matter what.

One joke post to have a bit of fun, sure.

Several joke posts while getting negative reactions? That aint a good thing and its essentially baiting reactions, which he got when people started to call him a troll.


RolStoppable said

Unbiased, right...

From top to bottom:

1. Warning: Got trolled in the mod note.
2. Ban: Got mocked in the mod note.
3. Ban: Got scolded like a little kid.
4. Warning: Got mocked again.
5. Ban: A professional mod note for once, although the moderation itself is iffy.
6. Warning: I replied to someone who likes EA games, so that wasn't being aggressive, that was common sense.
7. Ban: Bark bark woof.

In summary, the mods are blatantly biased. They have it in for me.

EA owns Bioware and all their games!  That makes them amazing!

RolStoppable said:
Carl2291 said:

One joke post to have a bit of fun, sure.

Several joke posts while getting negative reactions? That aint a good thing and its essentially baiting reactions, which he got when people started to call him a troll.

That made it even more funny though. But okay, I would have to look at the entire thing again to argue further, so let's just leave it at that.

Ya got me to budge 50% on that one. Most folks can't throw that far

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Shinobi-san said:
Seece said:
Shiboi are you not bored of this topic by now? lol I'd like to see a response to Rol's post.

Bored? I dont really post out of boredom. I actually felt it was an important point to raise. But it seems everyone here thinks my issue is with the thread OP's ie.  your thread OP versus Kitlers. Its not about that, but i prob failed to explain that properly.

From an outsider looking in your points were shockingly clear. Multiple times I was impressed by your responses.