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Truck you better stop or I'll ban you mister!

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naruball said:
DexInDaJungle said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Alright, I'm not sure if this is actually true since I don't personally know him but when you first read his name, is the first thing you think of milk?

It's also hard to imagine anything else, when his signature has most of the time a nsfw gif and his every other post has the word "cum" "jizz" or something similar. I have nothing against the guy, buy I can see how that would make people feel uncomfortable, especially new users. It made me every time I was in the library. Even if it's supposed to be a joke, that's not the impression you co-workers or classmates will get by looking at your screen. Also, he admitted a couple of months ago that every website that that he made an account using this username had his account banned and was surprised that vgchartz didn't.

I don't know, they said that Captain_Yuri is OK, and I doubt that people think of the name when they head the word Yuri :/

Anyways, yeah, I feel like this got way bigger than it needed to be. I'm just gonna stop talking about it outright.

Also, on another note, I've went ahead and deleted that Music Player in my sig since some people complained about it. Stupid Flash-less phones! :(

Ka-pi96 said:

Is Trucks even bannable now that he has super web developer powers?


It's honestly a terrifying thought. @_@

And I'm going to be a Debbie Downer and ask that with the ending of the name debate, the hashtag about the name debate needs to go too. Sorry.

If the mods wanna make this place more appropriate for kids and people at work, then why are threads like this allowed to be in the gaming discussion and on the hot topics page:

Its a thread about sex in a game, and that isn't exactly suitable for some of the younger users to read about. And besides, there is a NSFW section on this forum too and many users discuss adult related stuff in lots of threads.  So clearly this place isn't meant for kids so I don't get what you want to achieve by changing member's user names.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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Thanks for a great time over the years mod-team but I will be leaving the site. Time for me to move on, I understand you have to do what you think is best but the new site isn't for me.

Love you all

MoHasanie said:

If the mods wanna make this place more appropriate for kids and people at work, then why are threads like this allowed to be in the gaming discussion and on the hot topics page:

Its a thread about sex in a game, and that isn't exactly suitable for some of the younger users to read about. And besides, there is a NSFW section on this forum too and many users discuss adult related stuff in lots of threads.  So clearly this place isn't meant for kids so I don't get what you want to achieve by changing member's user names.

Please take note of the warning I've put in place.

But from what I see, the thread doesn't break any Work-Safe rules. Thanks for bringing it up though.

Smeags said:
MoHasanie said:

If the mods wanna make this place more appropriate for kids and people at work, then why are threads like this allowed to be in the gaming discussion and on the hot topics page:

Its a thread about sex in a game, and that isn't exactly suitable for some of the younger users to read about. And besides, there is a NSFW section on this forum too and many users discuss adult related stuff in lots of threads.  So clearly this place isn't meant for kids so I don't get what you want to achieve by changing member's user names.

Please take note of the warning I've put in place.

But from what I see, the thread doesn't break any Work-Safe rules. Thanks for bringing it up though.

My point is that you are attempting to make this place safer for kids but that's silly since there are many adult related threads, posts, pictures and gifs on peoples walls etc.. So if that's one of your reasons for changing user names then it doesn't make sense to  allow those types of comments but not allow inappropriate user names. 

~Mod Edit~

This post has been moderated.



NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Second and last attempt before I make the thread - is gamersgate a forbidden topic in this forum or not?

ps4tw said:
Second and last attempt before I make the thread - is gamersgate a forbidden topic in this forum or not?

Most people don't care about it to discuss ir much.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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