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Einsam_Delphin said:
DexInDaJungle said:

When did the mods say they don't care what we think. They have stated they don't agree with some of your opinions and they feel this is the best way to do things. Not agreeing =/= Not caring about our opinions.

Oh, so you didn't actually read the discussion then...

I didnt have time to read 20 pages of back and forth nonsense. But I find it hard to believe that the mods said "We don't care about your opinions"

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Mr.Playstation said:
DexInDaJungle said:

Or they won't back down and half the community will leave instead of one person. You're all upset that Jizz might leave and then threaten to leave as well, you're not really solving anything by doing this.

This is already one very very small community. Sometimes going down to only a couple of members online. If halt the community leaves this will be an almost inactive forum and then the mods will have to leave Jizz with his original name. 


I don't think it will affect the site the way you think. VGC makes most of its money off ads from people who come here weekly to look at the charts. You guys might not actively post on the forum but at least 90% of you will be back weekly to check out the sales. Like Smeags said before, this forum is simply an added attraction while the charts themselves are the main thing people come here for.

DexInDaJungle said:
Mr.Playstation said:

This is already one very very small community. Sometimes going down to only a couple of members online. If halt the community leaves this will be an almost inactive forum and then the mods will have to leave Jizz with his original name. 


I don't think it will affect the site the way you think. VGC makes most of its money off ads from people who come here weekly to look at the charts. You guys might not actively post on the forum but at least 90% of you will be back weekly to check out the sales. Like Smeags said before, this forum is simply an added attraction while the charts themselves are the main thing people come here for.

Who said anything about ads or money. Mods don't get paid. If people stop signing up on the other hand what's the use of having mods if the community is dead.


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Talal said:

I really don't get all the uproar. People are making it seem like Jizz is being forced out by mods. I would get it if the solution was banning the account and making him create a new one since that does suck and it is kind of unfair to him, but he's being offered a name change so the only thing that will change is his NSFW name. A lot of networks and websites would outright delete your account if people complain about your name and they found it offensive. The fact that he's being offered a name change is proof that mods do care about him and the community.

Some people are just never happy with anything, that's how things go sadly.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Mr.Playstation said:
DexInDaJungle said:

I don't think it will affect the site the way you think. VGC makes most of its money off ads from people who come here weekly to look at the charts. You guys might not actively post on the forum but at least 90% of you will be back weekly to check out the sales. Like Smeags said before, this forum is simply an added attraction while the charts themselves are the main thing people come here for.

Who said anything about ads or money. Mods don't get paid. If people stop signing up on the other hand what's the use of having mods if the community is dead.


ioi makes his living off this site. And you're right, if no one is here there is no need for mods but like you pointed out they don't get paid so why should they care? I'm sure they would prefer to have a community where they can discuss video game related things with people who share their passion but if you guys leave and this forum dies none of them will lose any sleep over it and ioi will still be making a living off the main site.

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DexInDaJungle said:
Mr.Playstation said:

Who said anything about ads or money. Mods don't get paid. If people stop signing up on the other hand what's the use of having mods if the community is dead.


ioi makes his living off this site. And you're right, if no one is here there is no need for mods but like you pointed out they don't get paid so why should they care? I'm sure they would prefer to have a community where they can discuss video game related things with people who share their passion but if you guys leave and this forum dies none of them will lose any sleep over it and ioi will still be making a living off the main site.

Then why are mods fighting this fight to get him to change his name. Can't they just give demands and that's it. They actually care about this place that's why. Nobody would volunteer hours of his day for a site which if it died it wouldn't make a difference for him. The mods would frankly me extremely sad if this community dwindled into nothing and some ( who take their job seriously ) might yes even lose some sleep over it.


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DexInDaJungle said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Alright, I'm not sure if this is actually true since I don't personally know him but when you first read his name, is the first thing you think of milk?

It's also hard to imagine anything else, when his signature has most of the time a nsfw gif and his every other post has the word "cum" "jizz" or something similar. I have nothing against the guy, buy I can see how that would make people feel uncomfortable, especially new users. It made me every time I was in the library. Even if it's supposed to be a joke, that's not the impression you co-workers or classmates will get by looking at your screen. Also, he admitted a couple of months ago that every website that that he made an account using this username had his account banned and was surprised that vgchartz didn't.

Guys, at the end of the day, I honestly appreciate all the support you're giving to JB. I'll repeat what the other mods have said (and what I have already said), in that I do think that he is a member that brings so much to this site with his energy, positivity, and charm. No one can doubt that. So when I see the outpouring of support on here, on his wall, or wherever it may be, I understand where you all are coming from.

But we've talked and we've talked about this. It's time to put this issue aside for a while as we await one final piece of information before I confirm our decision on this one instance (the inappropriate name rule is still, as it has been for six years, part of how we are governing this community).

I'm going to ask that we put the name debate (and the debates that have stemmed from it) aside for the time being. If you have any questions on anything else, go for it.

I'll repost the main point of my argument again:

- The image associated with the name Jizz_Beard and a face full of sperm. There reason many users don't mind it is because after seeing it for so long we've stopped associating Jizz_Beard with that sexually explicit image and instead associated it with the great user who contributes a lot to the community. The thing to remember here though is that for new users or people checking our forums the first time, it's the face full of cum they'll be thinking about since they don't know the user and that might turn away potential new users.

It's a really simple issue and it's been blown out of proportion. A simple name change. No one needs to leave. Heck, I'd even support a "Let's find Jizz a new name" thread if he doesn't feel like finding one on his own.

Signature goes here!

Ka-pi96 said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:
fatslob-:O said:

I think it's best not to since I have a feeling he'll be against Wizz keeping his original name ...

say what?

Don't worry you're safe

This is about Jizz Beard the Pirate, the mods forced him to change his name to Wizz and he is considering leaving the site. Some of us disagree and our showing our support for Jizz


Nope, we're asking him to chose a new name, not forcing Wizz_Beard on him.

Signature goes here!