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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The "Negative MS Press Goes Here" Thread.

The good news is, former trolls like Legend11(who is better now) use their power for good, and post bad MS news as soon as they get it, to make any spiteful MS-hate news post redundant duplicate topics, and gets them locked.

This also lets him put the MS spin on the story before the community gets eyes on it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Restricting all the bad news to a single thread limits the amount of potential attention and discussion a current 'bad' issue might recieve.

Some of our bad news threads are among the most interesting posted on this site.

As people have already mentioned, the Youtube thread and the Blu-ray thread are great examples; An awful lot of information posted, very little discussion.

The reason you're seeing 'outside users', who perhaps usually frequent other forums, posting the "bad Microsoft news" in the Microsoft forum is probably because Microsoft fans are, more then likely, less then willing to post the bad news themselves.


I definitely see where MrStick is coming from and I don't blame him for his frustration at all but I truly think this is a bad idea for any and all of the consoles. The best method unfortunately is still to just deal with the troublemakers one at a time in one thread at a time.

So while I admit that I share MrStickBall's sentiment and agree there is a problem, I loath this approach.

To Each Man, Responsibility
Sqrl said:
I definitely see where MrStick is coming from and I don't blame him for his frustration at all but I truly think this is a bad idea for any and all of the consoles. The best method unfortunately is still to just deal with the troublemakers one at a time in one thread at a time.

So while I admit that I share MrStickBall's sentiment and agree there is a problem, I loath this approach.

I agree. IMO, one thread per topic. If there are multiple threads all citing the same MS-negative story, then all but one should be closed. But if MS (or any company for that matter) is subjected to multiple events of bad news, then each one is a separate conversation. If all the anti-MS news goes in this one thread, it will become impossible to follow. Deal with trolls as trolls, but don't make things more difficult for the rest of us.

EDIT: I also disagree with the notion of "MS discussion forum regulars." If you're a regular on VGChartz, then you're a regular on VGChartz. Post your threads in the appropriate forum even if you don't visit that particular forum often.

Okay then. I'll delete negative MS threads in the MS forum.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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It's annoying for sure. It's nearly impossible to find any thread in the Microsoft forum that doesn't contain trolling or bashing against the 360 of some kind. For example I created a thread about a free DVD being given away that contains 360 RPG trailers and demos and there's trolling in it about how the PS3's RPG library is better. An update for the 360 version of Call of Duty 4 has turned into some kind of ePenis comparison between the 360 and PC versions.

Then there are obvious trollish topics like: " Another Gamer Screwed by Microsoft", "360 kinda needs a price cut, PS3 kinda kicking ass", "Why I 'hate' Xbox 360", etc. There's reporting news and discussing the 360 and then there's trolling which in my opinion those topics obviously are. It gets very annoying to come in to actually want to discuss 360 games or whatever and being unable to because others choose to derail and ruin threads and litter the forum with garbage.

mrstickball said:
Okay then. I'll delete negative MS threads in the MS forum.

This is also wrong.  There's a difference between "negative" and "trolling".

Legend11 said:
It's annoying for sure. It's nearly impossible to find any thread in the Microsoft forum that doesn't contain trolling or bashing against the 360 of some kind. For example I created a thread about a free DVD being given away that contains 360 RPG trailers and demos and there's trolling in it about how the PS3's RPG library is better. An update for the 360 version of Call of Duty 4 has turned into some kind of ePenis comparison between the 360 and PC versions.

Then there are obvious trollish topics like: " Another Gamer Screwed by Microsoft", "360 kinda needs a price cut, PS3 kinda kicking ass", "Why I 'hate' Xbox 360", etc. There's reporting news and discussing the 360 and then there's trolling which in my opinion those topics obviously are.

This I mostly agree with.

Wait.  Did I just agree with Legend?  :) 

Legend11 said:
It's annoying for sure. It's nearly impossible to find any thread in the Microsoft forum that doesn't contain trolling or bashing against the 360 of some kind. For example I created a thread about a free DVD being given away that contains 360 RPG trailers and demos and there's trolling in it about how the PS3's RPG library is better. An update for the 360 version of Call of Duty 4 has turned into some kind of ePenis comparison between the 360 and PC versions.

Then there are obvious trollish topics like: " Another Gamer Screwed by Microsoft", "360 kinda needs a price cut, PS3 kinda kicking ass", "Why I 'hate' Xbox 360", etc. There's reporting news and discussing the 360 and then there's trolling which in my opinion those topics obviously are. It gets very annoying to come in to actually want to discuss 360 games or whatever and being unable to because others choose to derail and ruin threads and litter the forum with garbage.

I completely agree with this Legend.  There is no reason to ever make the topic "Why I hate Xbox 360."  If you hate Xbox 360, don't bother discussing it.  A lot of those things should be locked, but actual news whether positive or negative should never be locked.  That's just part of free discussion.  

Well if you agree why not stop trying to make everything into a "PC is better" argument everytime you enter this forum? We all get the message, do you think repeating it for the 100th time is going to make a difference? Why not just let people enjoy 360 games, what exactly is the harm of it to you?