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Sqrl said:
I definitely see where MrStick is coming from and I don't blame him for his frustration at all but I truly think this is a bad idea for any and all of the consoles. The best method unfortunately is still to just deal with the troublemakers one at a time in one thread at a time.

So while I admit that I share MrStickBall's sentiment and agree there is a problem, I loath this approach.

I agree. IMO, one thread per topic. If there are multiple threads all citing the same MS-negative story, then all but one should be closed. But if MS (or any company for that matter) is subjected to multiple events of bad news, then each one is a separate conversation. If all the anti-MS news goes in this one thread, it will become impossible to follow. Deal with trolls as trolls, but don't make things more difficult for the rest of us.

EDIT: I also disagree with the notion of "MS discussion forum regulars." If you're a regular on VGChartz, then you're a regular on VGChartz. Post your threads in the appropriate forum even if you don't visit that particular forum often.